
Thoughts on Life, Faith, Everyday Moments, and More.

  • Art Journaling,  Life,  Sketching,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    A Sketch A Day, Keeping Stress Away

    About a year ago as I showed up for my oncology and surgical checkups and noticed my blood pressure inching it’s way higher.  When we had a mandatory wellness check at work my blood pressure was extremely high and they sent me to my doctor. My ticker was good but bp wasn’t.  That explained the headaches too.  I’ve taken some steps to bring that bp down. I’m sure weight was sone to do with it but stress from the last three years (personally and physically) is also a major culprit.  One thing I am trying to make a habit of is doing is  create each day which seems to really relax me.  I had participated in a…

  • Life,  Uncategorized

    The Love of a Friend and Vintage Valentine Download

    Hello all, As we approach a day we celebrate love on February 14th, I just want to say thank you!  Thank you for the way you love me, love us, for the way you’ve supported, encouraged and moved us!  Thank you for the way you have stood by us as family and friends in valleys and in peaks!  Thank you for your love friend! Please see the following vintage Valentine images.  Feel free to make them your own (to use for personal use).  Enjoy and wishing all a day filled with love. “Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our…

  • Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  Life,  Mixed Media,  Sketching,  Uncategorized

    Move Forward Despite Doubt

    I want to take a moment to encourage you! Last year I was encouraged by a friend to participate in a fun journey called Sketchbook West.  Las Laguna Gallery in Laguna Beach was hosting the event.  After such a time, we wrapped up our sketchbooks and were asked to submit larger pieces inspired by our books for an exhibit.  A jury would select pieces that would be housed for in the exhibit for the whole month.  I submitted two pieces and they were both chosen.  I actually didn’t feel extremely satisfied with the pieces and didn’t consider them the best work I had ever done, was a bit intimidated but I submitted nonetheless.…

  • Art Journaling,  Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  Life,  Mixed Media,  Sketching,  Uncategorized

    Up to Something Artsy

    It’s been a while since I’ve blogged.  One I was fighting off that nasty winter cold, family was in town for the holidays, boat parades, birthdays (my daughter turned 17 and my niece 2), and lots of other activities in between. But I’ve also got some fun artsy news.  I had a friend reach out to me and ask if I was interested in participating in a project called Sketchbook West.  Las Laguna Art Gallery in Laguna Beach hosted this fun project in 2015.  In our sketchbook we’d sketch,  paint,  and create in our smallish book.  From there we took some of the inspiration from our books and created larger pieces.  CHosea…

  • Jewelry,  Life,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Identity ~ As We Enter a New Year

    As I had a little quiet time this morning, I was thinking about entering the New Year and how important it is to remember my identity. I don’t mean my name, where I was born, etc. but rather who I am – deeply rooted who I am. Some things that came to mind and apply to you as well is that you are loved, cherished, unique, have purpose that only you can fulfill. You have the ability to have an impact, are valuable (no matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done, the mistakes you’ve made). For me my faith plays an absolute role in who I am. Because I am a…

  • Life,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Warmest Wishes From Ours to Yours ~ Merry Christmas

    I want to wish you and your family a beautiful Christmas. I know this season can be joyful or it can be difficult for many.  It certainly is a season of reflection; maybe of loss of dreams, loved ones, relationships, victories, challenges, blessings, or other things. During this season we can always be grateful for life. That’s a lot of what this season is about. So as we give thanks for life and the other blessings, may the warmth and hope of Christmas and the New Year fill your hearts. A new beginning is ahead.  

  • Life,  Tutorials and How to's,  Uncategorized

    Vintage Blog Hop – Hark the Herald Angels Sing

    Michelle from Vintage Street Market put together a fun little mini vintage blog hop.  Check out inspiration posted earlier this week with the details. Vintage Christmas Advent Calendar One of my favorite themes around the house for the holidays and a great Christmas carol is ‘Hark the Herald Angels  Sing.’ I have friends who celebrate this season in many different ways, but for my family and I we celebrate CHRISTmas.  The Christmas story involves a lot of beautiful messengers called ‘angels’ who share ‘tidings of comfort and joy.’  So I thought I’d do a little tour of decor which involves a lot of angels.  As well, I’d like to share a…

  • Life,  Uncategorized

    Thanksgiving Every Day

    Well, November has taken me by some surprise with the busyness especially at work.  But nonetheless, the holidays are upon us.  Yesterday was Thanksgiving and while I shared a few thanksgiving messages elsewhere, I didn’t do so here.  But every day should be celebrated with Thanksgiving shouldn’t it?  I hope yours was beautiful and meaningful.  Know I’m so grateful for each of you; your love, support, your blessing! Did you break tradition this year or keep it?  Our tradition was a family dinner on the day however as families moved to other parts of the states and families within our family grew . . . we started our own tradition.…

  • Life,  My Breast Cancer Journey,  The Homestead,  Uncategorized

    Day One – Three Years Ago

    Hello all . . . today marks three years since my diagnosis of invasive ductal carcinoma, breast cancer and I’m a little more than 1/2 way to be considered ‘cancer free’ (five years).  While we have just finished up with Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it’s not too late to get your mammogram, do a self-check or remind the woman or man you love in your life to do the same. I wanted to share with you what I wrote exactly three years ago on my diagnosis date.  It still applies and I want to live it no matter what life brings my way.  My heart, still to this day overflows…

  • Art,  Art Journaling,  Life,  Mixed Media,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    The Beauty of ‘You’ness

    I love that there are no two people alike that roam this earth!  That is an amazing fact.  Even identical twins will not have the same exact experience.  Each of us have a unique purpose as well that no one else can fulfill.  Each of you have special and unique characteristics, personalities and perspectives! I recently created a custom angel for a beautiful red-headed girl with blue eyes.  She is a doll.  Below are a few photos of the piece. I wanted to encourage you to think about how your ‘you’niqueness and how special you are.  Below is a great art journaling prompt or just take a few minutes and enjoy…