
Thoughts and feelings on the challenges and gifts of life.

  • Creative,  Hats,  Life,  The Homestead,  Thoughts

    Touching Base

    I hope you all had a wonderful 4th celebrating the liberties we have. I’ve lived overseas so I can attest to freedom (or the lack there of it in some places in the world). It’s been a while since I’ve posted and I wanted to touch base. We have enjoyed festivities surrounding Independence Day. Prior to the 4th, Rodney and I headed to a Red, White and Blue themed cattle sorting event which was a blast. We’ve attended other events there, but this was fun with the patriotic theme. I made a patriotic leather feather for the occasion. That day was dry, a little warm and dusty, but loads of…

  • Life,  Nature,  Thoughts

    A Word Found Me

    Many enter the new year and choose a word that speaks to them, that holds promises for the new year, or represents something they want to accomplish. There are a ton of other reasons they chose their word. This year I thought about choosing a word, but one just didn’t come to mind easily, until . . . A word found me. I started seeing a thread. First, I have tea very often throughout the day and use my favorite sweetener. See below. When I ran out of one bottle, I started to put it on my shopping list, but realized I had an extra I had purchased. Then I…

  • white notebook on the table
    Faith,  Life,  The Homestead,  Thoughts

    The New Year, A New Beginning

    With the New Year, comes new beginnings, and a fresh canvas. A few things on my radar as I ring in the New Year includes; continued weight loss and healthier choices, making time for more creativity, supporting loved ones for better health, making special memories with friends, visiting some favorite places, attending loved events, grow in my faith, do some decluttering, and more. I think it’s important to go into a New Year with goals in mind both personally and professionally. Here are a few ideas to consider that might spark some inspiration. What about you? Do you have some accomplishments in mind you want to see come to fruition…

  • Art Journaling,  Creative,  Life,  Mixed Media,  Thoughts

    A New Year, A New Beginning

    As we enter 2024, it’s a fresh start. I love a new start, a new chance, a new canvas. I’m wishing you all a wonderful new year. I realize for some, you may have just had a loss and it doesn’t seem like a smooth beginning. Maybe you’re facing a health challenge. Know that I’m rooting for you in 2024. Reflecting back on the old and looking forward to the new is promising. Warmest blessings and wishes to you and yours!

  • medical stethoscope with red paper heart on white surface
    Faith,  Life,  The Homestead,  Thoughts

    When the Time Comes

    Wow how time flies. It seems like just yesterday I held our newborn baby in my arms. She’s now living in Iowa and setting down some roots there. It’s amazing. Or it seems like just yesterday I was a young person who was skiing, sailing, and taking every opportunity to get as much activity into a day. Today, I’m tired, I’m happy and grateful, but I’m tired. I’ve been through breast cancer, some deep emotional valleys due to circumstances out of my control, and have pushed through some definite challenges. However, the time comes so quickly when you face the process of aging and life. But as my mom always…

  • Beauty, Fashion, Cosmetics,  My Breast Cancer Journey,  Thoughts

    Pink – A Month of Awareness and also Celebration

    As most know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I was diagnosed ten years ago this coming November 3. Whether you’re a woman or a man, it’s important to be diligent in self-checks or diagnostic screening as necessary. Please know that you are precious. Take care of you! I thought I’d share with you a post I shared on the day I was diagnosed. Sometimes you have to dig deep in life’s challenges, pull up those boot straps and go to it. I hope this is an encouragement to you, or to another that might be battling that you w ant to share with. You can find it HERE. I…

  • Art,  Faith,  Hats,  Leather Working and Chip Art,  Mixed Media,  My Breast Cancer Journey,  Thoughts

    October, Pink and Leather Feathers

    Can you believe we are in October? It’s Pumpkin Spice Latte time, preparing for the holidays, enjoying Fall traditions, gathering with family and friends, and more. Recently, I created the below feathers in my favorite color combo. Pink is such a significant color for so many, including myself. as a Breast Cancer survivor. I’m grateful to be able to stick another feather in my hat, significant of another year blessed to be here on Earth. I qualified for, and went in this last week for a trial study. This is the second study to help early detection for cancers like pancreatic and ovarian . These types of cancers usually aren’t…

  • Art,  Faith,  Life,  Thoughts

    Putting Yourself Out There

    I’ve been thinking a lot about how brave it is when we ‘put ourself out there.’ Maybe it’s sharing your art on social media, going for a job interview you didn’t get, facing a fear, or learning something new. No matter what it looks like . . . it’s brave, healthy, and promotes amazing growth. Sometimes things may not go as we planned when we allow ourselves to be vunerable, but other times, we grow, connect, and advance. Just know that no matter what, there is value in the journey, even if it didn’t turn out the way you expected. There is no one stopping you from putting yourself out…