A Sketch A Day, Keeping Stress Away
About a year ago as I showed up for my oncology and surgical checkups and noticed my blood pressure inching it’s way higher. When we had a mandatory wellness check at work my blood pressure was extremely high and they sent me to my doctor. My ticker was good but bp wasn’t. That explained the headaches too. I’ve taken some steps to bring that bp down.
I’m sure weight was sone to do with it but stress from the last three years (personally and physically) is also a major culprit. One thing I am trying to make a habit of is doing is create each day which seems to really relax me. I had participated in a Sketchbook project and enjoyed it so much that I bought myself a little moleskine book. It’s tiny and easily portable. I’m only using colored pencils for this particular sketchbook and basically drawing what comes to mind or on my heart. My blood pressure with meds and some other steps is better under control. Id like to think part of the solution has been art. A sketch a day helps keep the stress away.
I want to encourage you . . . if you’re a scrapbooker, artist, knitter, seamstress . . . whatever your medium . . . please find time for it and for you. There are health benefits.
Here are some peeks of my sketchbook. I’ll be sharing the journey as I go along.

Tanya N.
Beautiful sketches! I know this season of my life is not one that allows too much time for creating for myself, but I try to squeeze in little bits when I can.
Good for you momma bird. After the babies get older there will be more time but good that you still sneak some in there. Xoxo
Jen LoSchiavo
How high was your BP? I’ve noticed mine has been higher now that I check with my fitbit.
I can’t remember the bottom but it was extremely high and top was 186.
Marianne B in AZ
Your sketches are wonderful! The idea of keeping your book small and portable for a busy lady like you, is a good one. I couldn’t agree with you more about the benefits of creating! I was taking meds for high blood pressure at one time. Now that the only place that I can really spend any time being somewhat comfortable is in good quality desk chair I have, I spend more hours being creative than anything else. Even with my severe chronic pain, my blood pressure has actually been low for my age (and activity level!). I think spending so much time with my brain doing creative things instead of stressful things, not only helps my BP, but is probably the only one reason I am able to deal with living with this new set of circumstances my health has created.
I’m glad it has helped you and I am hopeful that others who read this will also benefit.
Marianne, such wise words you’ve spoken here. You’ve encouraged me! Thank you! So grateful you have some good time to create!
Helen Gullett
Totally agree with you! I wish I could do this every day with kids around LOL… Thank you for the inspirations.
You’re so sweet Helen!