
Thoughts and feelings on the challenges and gifts of life.

  • Art Journaling,  Life,  Mixed Media,  Sketching,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    The Love of Wonder

    Oh how I love my journals.  They are my friends.  When I’m feeling down or happy, I love to create in them and often what is inside pours out onto the pages of my journals.  It was no different with this page I titled ‘Wonder’.  I thought I’d share and would encourage you to think about the following . . . What is wonder? 1 wonder play noun won·der \ˈwən-dər\ : something or someone that is very surprising, beautiful, amazing, etc. : a feeling caused by seeing something that is very surprising, beautiful, amazing, etc. : something that is surprising or hard to believe We can live busy lives and…

  • Life,  Mixed Media,  The Homestead,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Be You. Bravely

    It’s been a while since my last post and for good reason.  I returned from Idaho and an amazing Brave Girl University teacher retreat.  Shortly after that on a Sunday night, I began to experience some internal bleeding and a lot of pain.  It landed me in the hospital for three days with ulcers and then rest for an additional four days after that.  So I’ve been a little MIA but I’ve been doing some extra resting and returning to normal. I wanted to share a few thoughts on Being You . . . Bravely.  I’ve been thinking on this often.  As many of you know, I have a teenage…

  • Life,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Warmest Easter Greetings ~ Reminder of a New Beginning

    Easter brings such hope for new beginnings. Life can be amazing but it can also be so hard, difficult and so fragile. Easter reminds us of a new hope, a new beginning, a new life. I’M reminded of sweet memories as I sat on the piano bench with my mom next to me playing a precious hymn popular at Easter.  That sweet song . . . Because He lives.  Wishing you all a beautiful Easter and a reminder that there is HOPE for a new beginning.

  • Art Journaling,  Life,  Sketching,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    A Sketch A Day, Keeping Stress Away

    About a year ago as I showed up for my oncology and surgical checkups and noticed my blood pressure inching it’s way higher.  When we had a mandatory wellness check at work my blood pressure was extremely high and they sent me to my doctor. My ticker was good but bp wasn’t.  That explained the headaches too.  I’ve taken some steps to bring that bp down. I’m sure weight was sone to do with it but stress from the last three years (personally and physically) is also a major culprit.  One thing I am trying to make a habit of is doing is  create each day which seems to really relax me.  I had participated in a…

  • Jewelry,  Life,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Identity ~ As We Enter a New Year

    As I had a little quiet time this morning, I was thinking about entering the New Year and how important it is to remember my identity. I don’t mean my name, where I was born, etc. but rather who I am – deeply rooted who I am. Some things that came to mind and apply to you as well is that you are loved, cherished, unique, have purpose that only you can fulfill. You have the ability to have an impact, are valuable (no matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done, the mistakes you’ve made). For me my faith plays an absolute role in who I am. Because I am a…

  • Life,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Warmest Wishes From Ours to Yours ~ Merry Christmas

    I want to wish you and your family a beautiful Christmas. I know this season can be joyful or it can be difficult for many.  It certainly is a season of reflection; maybe of loss of dreams, loved ones, relationships, victories, challenges, blessings, or other things. During this season we can always be grateful for life. That’s a lot of what this season is about. So as we give thanks for life and the other blessings, may the warmth and hope of Christmas and the New Year fill your hearts. A new beginning is ahead.  

  • Art,  Art Journaling,  Life,  Mixed Media,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    The Beauty of ‘You’ness

    I love that there are no two people alike that roam this earth!  That is an amazing fact.  Even identical twins will not have the same exact experience.  Each of us have a unique purpose as well that no one else can fulfill.  Each of you have special and unique characteristics, personalities and perspectives! I recently created a custom angel for a beautiful red-headed girl with blue eyes.  She is a doll.  Below are a few photos of the piece. I wanted to encourage you to think about how your ‘you’niqueness and how special you are.  Below is a great art journaling prompt or just take a few minutes and enjoy…

  • Life,  The Homestead,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Beauty Behind the Lens

    I am a native Southern Californian.  While my husband was born in Minnesota and daughter in Florida . . . they too love the sea.  The beach is one of our favorite family outings!  It brings fun, serenity, memories and so much more.  People flock from all over the world to wade on the shores of Southern California and we have the blessing of it being in our backyard. Some locals will know some of these sights but if you ever come to Sunny So Cal. (thinking about our Midwest friends as they get snow), you’ll enjoy these sights as well I believe. Balboa Bar We saw a flyer with…

  • Life,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Being a Fanatic!

    I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about being a ‘fanatic!’  What’s a fanatic? fa·nat·ic fəˈnadik/ noun  1. a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religious or political cause. synonyms: zealot, dogmatist, devotee, adherent;   adjective 1. filled with or expressing excessive zeal.  I think really you can be a fanatic for anything.  I was listening to a song on the radio called talking about not being ashamed for being ‘on fire’ about your faith.  This is so true.  While each of us have a choice, I can still be sold out.  I have friends from all walks of life but I do want to be authentic to me…

  • Art Journaling,  Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  Mixed Media,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    A Mini Class, Laughter and Good Health

    Recently, I had the opportunity to spend some creative time with some of my dearest friends. It was impromptu and the special time we had priceless. When we get together sometimes I enjoy challenging or teaching them a mixed media or art journaling technique new to them. I had packed three erasers and some stamp carving tools. Each of them created the cutest stamp individual to them and which shared their personality. Tanya carved a bird, Sylvia a paintbrush and Mary a cool abstract shape.  I wanted to remember our mini class, the laughs and the blessing of these lovely ladies. These times are so good for the soul! Thus,…