The Love of Wonder
Oh how I love my journals. They are my friends. When I’m feeling down or happy, I love to create in them and often what is inside pours out onto the pages of my journals. It was no different with this page I titled ‘Wonder’. I thought I’d share and would encourage you to think about the following . . .
What is wonder?
noun won·der \ˈwən-dər\-
: something or someone that is very surprising, beautiful, amazing, etc.
: a feeling caused by seeing something that is very surprising, beautiful, amazing, etc.
: something that is surprising or hard to believe
We can live busy lives and can forget to stop and wonder, ponder, think on those things that are amazing and beautiful. If you journal or even art journal, I want to encourage you to take these prompts into consideration.
Today, what is one thing that caught your attention and that was surprising, beautiful or amazing? Some thoughts, maybe it was a flower peeking through the crack in the sidewalk, a sweet newborn, or a beautiful sunset. Note it, write about it, enjoy it once again.
On a day trip or a vacation, I encourage you to record something that is so awesome and difficult to believe . . . something out of the ordinary that takes your breath away. Maybe it’s a waterfall, wildlife not ordinarily seen, or a still moment in the woods that brought extreme peace. Record it and enjoy it.
Record a feeling that was amazing in the last month. Maybe you felt love, possibly an overwhelming sense of gratitude for an action from someone who gifted or acknowledged you. Maybe you had a reunion with a friend or family member. Possibly you had a great sense of peace or joy. Note it, write about it and relive it.
Remember wonder . . . it’s a gift. When we record it, we keep it tucked away in a special book for others to enjoy as well as for us to revisit on a ‘rainy’ or ‘sunny’ day.
Warmest creative wishes,