
Thoughts and feelings on the challenges and gifts of life.

  • Life,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Fun Activities on New Year’s Eve

    For the last several years we head to one of my dearest friends home and play games until we countdown the new year. We then make some noise, toast with apple cider and we pray for the coming year. It’s a precious time with friends. This year I will be at home with a quiet evening with hubby recuperating from the flu. I am grateful however it’s just the flu and this too shall pass. I have a new blog banner up and I have some goals set to attempt to accomplish. I was thinking over the years all the fun games and laughs we’ve had. I thought I’d list…

  • Life,  Mixed Media,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Create It Your Way

    I so admire ladies who have perfect planners or make perfect cards. I’m not like that. I’m more of a shabby mixed media girl. I just try to embrace the imperfection and go with it. I encourage you to do the same to. Be you, create it your way and be completely fine with it. Here are a couple of cards I created with not a lot of ‘perfection.’ Same technique, slightly different, and hoping they bring some joy to their recipients.  Warmest Creative Wishes,

  • Faith,  Life,  Mixed Media,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Speaking Words of Truth into Your Life

    Most of us want to live a successful life, make a difference and leave a mark on the world. One of the biggest battles we fight on a daily basis is in the mind. I encourage you to create reminders at home, work and even in your car of truth words, Scripture, uplifting quotes and more. There is power in whole and good words.  I created a quick tag and let words just surface. It’s important to speak encouraging truth to others but also just as important to speak truth to ourselves. It’s okay to spur yourself on. Tell yourself things like, “You are strong and brave and can do…

  • Life,  The Homestead,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Vintage Inspired Organization

    While I’m a very creative person, I do like to have order to the madness of art supplies, personal items, clothes, etc. I find that if I see it, I’ll use it more often. One thing I enjoy is finding ways to use vintage items to keep order and stay organized.  I love scarves and hats of all kinds. Recently I wanted to bring my scarves out of a small drawer and into the open so I could see them. I found this mini ladder and thought it was perfect to display and organize my scarves. I love the outcome. How about you . . . what is something you’d…

  • Art,  Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  Life,  Mixed Media,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Wearing Words of Encouragement

    As some of you know, our girl and I took a road trip to Montana. We planned a stop in Boise, Idaho for a few days to be a part of the Brave Girl Symposium and then we planned on heading up through Northern Montana to Glacier National Park and on into Canada before getting her settled for school in Bozeman, MT. Well, plans changed due to fires but our time in Idaho had moments of fun and friendship. It wasn’t without it’s own challenges with some health issues but we did have some fun moments and I was able to see old friends and meet new ones. Abigail and…

  • Art,  Life,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    An Altered Walking Stick and a Brave Walk

    It takes bravery to show up, to participate in life, to invest in others and put yourself out there allowing your heart to be vulnerable. It takes courage to go out into the world, to make your mark and walk the path you were made for. As Nike says, ‘Just Do It’ but that’s easier said than done. However, that’s where the treasure lies. I know I’ve shared about Melody Ross’ course called “The Walk”. It’s a great one. You can check out more HERE. In a couple, weeks, we head to the Brave Girl Symposium in Idaho for a few days, then up to Glacier National Park, up to…

  • Life,  Thoughts

    The Love of Tiny Things

    Ever since I’ve been young, I have had a love of tiny things! I used to have a miniature house and used to enjoy visiting Knotts Berry Farm’s miniature village. Recently I came across a blog that features beautiful shabby chic miniatures. Check out the amazing tutorials. I hope you’ll enjoy taking a moment and enjoying the ‘small things in life.’ Wishing all a beautiful weekend. Check out more HERE. Warmest creative wishes,  

  • Art Journaling,  Faith,  Life,  Mixed Media,  Sketching,  Thoughts,  Tutorials and How to's,  Uncategorized

    Soul Words ~ A Quick Healthy Soul Exercise

    Working full-time I realize I need to get some Soul Nourishment in before my day starts because once I get to work it’s 0 – 60 in no time flat. My day gets going at a busy pace so making sure I take a break some days is a necessity. That brings me to a soul nourishing exercise that is quick, easy and refreshing. The Exercise: In the image below I’ve listed some soul words. Simply take a planner (your current one or an old one), journal, or even a sheet of paper and say the word out loud. Write the word on your paper and then ponder what that…

  • Creative Planners,  Life,  Thoughts

    Planning for the New Year

    With a new year comes a new planner. Well, this planner isn’t new to me as I’ve been saving it. Last year I really enjoyed my Heidi Swapp Memory planner and I have a wonderful keepsake capturing special moments through the year. I have, however, been waiting to use my DCWV Rose Gold Planner. Oh how I love this planner. I love the cute interchangeable charms that snap on the front of the plannerr, the darling polka dot design and the magnetic closure snap. One thing I’m enjoying as well after wearing a uniform for 20 years of my life, now that I wer ‘civies’, I like using  the wardrobe…

  • Creative Planners,  Life,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Planning for a Full Life

    Sometimes with life you feel as if you go from 0-60 in no time flat and the road takes a big turn.  Well, that’s a bit what my life looks like currently. In the last 5 months, I’ve had some major events take place. I’ve sadly lost some dear loved ones that were a daily part of my life We moved our girl to Montana for school which was exciting and hard at the same time.  We are now empty nesters I celebrated my five year cancer free mark A wonderful family wedding took place in Santa Barbara We made a move and now mom, hubby and I live together…