
Thoughts on Life, Faith, Everyday Moments, and More.

  • Thoughts

    Warmest wishes for a beautiful 2015

    Warmest new year wishes from us to you and yours! Grateful for you and wishing you joy, peace and beautiful possibilities in 2015! I Am so thankful for new beginnings. really praying and wishing all great blessing in 2015. Last year one of the hardest for us but even through the trials we can be thankful for how they mold us and for the miracles in the midst. Sometimes we can’t see the bigger picture and the paths that are changing direction for the better.  Hoping new and exciting roads ahead for all.

  • Jewelry,  Mixed Media,  Thoughts,  Tutorials and How to's,  Uncategorized

    Word of the Year – Good Expectations for 2015

    This past week it was so appropriate that I received an early copy of Jewelry Affaire that contained an article and necklace tutorial on my word of the year for 2014. 2014 was a year of sadness, uncertainty, and challenge filled with some times of joy, accomplishment and celebration as well. My word of 2014 was TRUST and I created a necklace to remind me of just that. My word for 2015 is COURAGE and my verse, “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men (and women) of courage; be strong.” ~ 1 Corinthians 16:13. I enjoy creating something as a reminder throughout the year of my word and goal. I want…

  • Art Journaling,  Life,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Meaningful Soul Words – Part 1

    As we approach the new year . . . I can’t believe it . . . 2015, I thought this so appropriate.  I have some other fun things to share as well on the horizon including a book that my husband and daughter gifted me for Christmas having to do with art and prayer.  Love it. I recently ran across some information I thought was so good when dealing with emotions.  Finishing up this last year, we do some reflecting – some of us had a great year and others are happy to put it in the past.  With the new year brings a clean slate, a new beginning and possibilities.…

  • Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Warmest Christmas Wishes

    I wanted to send you warm Christmas wishes on this Christmas Eve.  I know personally that the month of December isn’t always ribbons and bows, sweet sugar plum dreams and so forth.  Sometimes we experience loss or hardship.  Maybe you’re missing someone around the Christmas table.  If that is the case, I hope and pray that memories of their life bring joy and warmth.  No matter what life has brought in 2014, Christmas is a time that represents hope.  May we know that hope and peace and experience the blessings around us with a grateful heart.  Some precious gifts that come to mind this Christmas are life, family, freedom and loved ones.  We celebrated…

  • Life,  Uncategorized

    Boutique for a Cause Part 2

    If you’re up for a fun event tomorrow . . . you will enjoy this wonderful festive venue.  It’s called Jingle and Mingle.  The morning starts with some goodies, some Christmas carols, comedian, sneak peek at the boutique, then the boutique (around 60 vendors) from 11 a.m . – 2 p.m.  You’ll enjoy all the food trucks as well! If you missed part 1 of a ‘Boutique for a Cause’ you can find it here. Here are a few other items I created for tomorrow . . . Hope to see you there!  

  • Art,  Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  Jewelry,  My Breast Cancer Journey,  Uncategorized

    Boutique for a Cause

    tis’ the season.  I hope all had a lovely Thanksgiving.  I did although I have been struggling with a bug.  But I’ve been trying to push through it and I’m gearing up for a boutique that will be held at Voyager’s Church in Irvine on Saturday the 6th.  It will be a wonderful day of inspiration both while singing some carols and listening to a funny, lighthearted speaker.  I’m hoping I may be able to raise some funds so that our sweet girl can participate in a trip to Washington D.C., where her chorale group will compete as well as a trip to Costa Rica ~ she was chosen by…

  • Life,  Uncategorized

    Fall Back (and Falling Forward)

    Tomorrow is November 1st and time for most Americans to turn back our clocks tonight.  We gain an hour of sleep. I have been thinking about falling back and falling forward in a different sense.  I started thinking about when we fall back . . . when the bottom of things falls out as we know them; when things are turned so upside down we don’t know which way is up; when something so shocking slaps you down and you are completely stunned as you never saw it coming; when your heart is so broken you don’t know if you can find all the pieces.   This is the time to fall forward…

  • Art Journaling,  Sketching,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Throwback Thursday – Window of the Soul Art Journal Tour

    A while back for Throwback Thursday I shared a little video tour of the Window of the Soul Art Journal Tag Tour.  Today for Throwback Thursday, I’d like to simply share an art journal tour based on the study of a book called just that, “Windows of the Soul” by Ken Gire.  I hope you enjoy.  Just a relaxed little peek. Are you working on an art journal?  Are you documenting a particular event?  I’d love to know.  Where are you sharing your documentation?   Warmest creative wishes,

  • Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  Life,  Uncategorized

    Tis’ the Candy Cane Season – Logan’s Annual Candy Cane Tour

    Greetings all. Can you believe it . . . Christmas is nearing?  Once again, I’m organizing the Logan’s Candy Cane Tour.  Our friends at Logan’s are wonderful people and we love to support them. Their candy is like no other made with love and includes a message of hope! I know many of you have attended the tour and each year our group grows bigger.  Our group is limited so the first to sign up here I’ll list.  I need to know a count of how many adults and how many kids by October 30th.  Then the fee for the kids you can mail to me asap.  That will reserve our spots.  Please…

  • Art Journaling,  Life,  Mixed Media,  Uncategorized

    Right Now Mondays – Do not Doubt

    Greetings, It’s another ‘Right Now Monday‘ and are you ready to share?  Ready to art journal? If you missed the last ‘Right Now Monday‘ post , or wondering what Right Now Monday is about . . . . here it is . . . Right Now Monday Initial Post. Right Now I want . . . This could be something you desire to have (maybe not a need but a want – a house, a new job) or maybe this is a goal? For me . . . Right Now and Today I want and desire for  . . . my daughter, my husband, my mother, my friends, my family,…