• Art Journaling,  Life,  Mixed Media,  Thoughts,  Tutorials and How to's,  Uncategorized

    Right Now Monday, Love Will (The Power of Love)

    Right Now, this Monday . . . I feel the Power of Love. The Power of Love is an incredible thing.  I recently was thinking about all the ways people have loved us through our challenges the last couple years.  I was pondering and asking how I’ve loved others.  Then I began to think about the ‘Power of Love‘.  Yes, those of you in my generation probably hear Huey Lewis singing the words . . . the Power of Love.  As seen on YouTube here. But seriously, I was thinking about how someone knowing they are truly loved, it can change a life.  An action, (not just words), can move someone…

  • Art Journaling,  Life,  Mixed Media,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Right Now Monday – Be True to You

    Right Now, Today, This Monday . . . Right Now . . .  today, I am focusing on the importance of caring for myself and being true to me.  So often, we think that caring for ourselves is selfish.  Well, it’s not.  We need to care for ourselves so that we in turn can be better friends, parents, employees, spouses . . . whatever role we fill.  We aren’t of any help to others around us if we aren’t healthy. I’m speaking to myself here but possibly it will be something that speaks to your heart.  Right Now, taking care of and being true to myself involves; Set safe and healthy boundaries.…

  • Life,  The Homestead,  Uncategorized

    Treasures ~ In Life and Found at the Lovely Vintage Marketplace

    I hope you enjoyed the video and coming on a little field trip of vintage bliss with me.  If you missed that you can see more here. With all the hardwork that Rita, Christy and all the vendors do to provide such a lovely experience .  . . I wanted to just give a little lovely to say thank you for all she does but most important for who she is. I had earned some money from a bracelet I created/sold as well as some ‘magazine publication’ funds.   I was on a budget but oh the lovely steals I found. To those vintage labels I’ll be adding a tag that reads…

  • Art,  Life,  Mixed Media,  Thoughts

    Right Now Monday; Servant Leadership and an Art Adventure

    “The goal of many leaders is to get people to think more highly of the leader.  The goal of a great leader is to help people to think more highly of themselves.”  ~  J. Carla Nortcutt Right here . . . Right Now . . . this Monday (better late than never) . . . I feel grateful.  Grateful for the opportunity to have attended a wonderful course, to be placed in an awesome group and to learn more about serving others, leadership and loving on people.  More about Right Now Monday can be found here. Recently, I completed Series II of a Servant Leadership Course put on by the…

  • Art,  Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  Life,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    A Day of Beauty and Friendship * Vintage Marketplace Tour

    Hello dear ones, I believe you’ve seen me share here about a very talented and sweet friend Rita Reade.  Rita and Christy Repasy began the Vintage Marketplace several years ago and I’ve had the pleasure of seeing it grow.  It used to be a part of a Barn Sale hop at Christy’s house and then it moved to Rainbow.  These grounds turn into a bit of vintage heaven.  Rita, Christy (who organize the event) and the vendors share their unique goods, gifts, talents, time and sweet personalities.  They are a beautiful group. Rita is a dear and talented lady!  She is sweet, thoughtful and vibrant and I’m grateful to know…

  • Art,  Art Journaling,  Uncategorized

    Right Now Monday * Hope & Happy Labor Day

    Yes, another Monday and Right now on this Labor Day I am resting, physically and in the assurance of the HOPE in my heart. HOPE is always a great journaling prompt. For me recently, HOPE has touched my heart. HOPE that; Everything is going to be okay. That healing is taking place. Is vital for the future. Encourages and spurs us on. That there are new beginnings despite things not working the way we thought. Whether you are a person of faith or not, I am, HOPE is a necessity.  I am encouraged by something a very wise man shared long ago, ‘Rejoice in HOPE, be patient in tribulation, be constant…

  • Art Journaling,  Life,  Mixed Media,  Thoughts

    Throwback Thursday – Grow Journal Tour

    This is a video ‘Art Journal Tour’ from a couple years ago. It was an art journal (still in progress) that expressed ways I need to or have grown in. We are always growing aren’t we whether we like it or not. Life is a journey full of ups and downs, providing us with lots if opportunities to grow. Our choice, to choose a path of positive growth or otherwise. A Little Art Journal Tour.  This is an art journal in progress in the ways that I’ve grown or need to grow . . . [kad_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTg4MKyXfD4″ ]   Warmest Creative Wishes,  

  • Art Journaling,  Life,  Mixed Media,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Right Now Monday: Be Kind to Unkind People, They Need It The Most

    Wow . . . I read this statement earlier in the week and didn’t know it would ring so true.  It was posted (and then reposted) by a radio station.  It especially made sense when I had an experience (and opportunity) to be kind to an unkind person. If you don’t mind reading for a moment . . . one of you may need to hear what came to mind as I experienced a very angry and unkind individual.  But this presented an opportunity. I was headed to meet my daughter and mom.  I entered a very busy shopping center and found an individual that was getting ready to leave.  I…

  • Life,  Mixed Media

    Right Now Monday – The Beauty of Young Hearts

    If you missed the last ‘Right Now Monday‘ post , or wondering what Right Now Monday is about . . . . here it is . . . Right Now Monday Initial Post. For me . . . Right Now, Today, this Monday . . . I am encouraged by the vitality and beauty of young beautiful hearts! I so enjoy working with senior citizens.  There is such beauty in their wisdom.  I love watching so many of the seniors I work with use their gifts, talents and abilities later in life to serve their community and fellow man. I also enjoy my time with young people.  My daughter and I work each week with 1…

  • Sketching,  Thoughts

    Throwback Thursday – A Wee Little Artist Named Priscilla

    Wondering about Throwback Thursdays?  Check out more here. We have one sweet girl of our own.  We see such beautiful gifts in this incredible girl.  She’s compassionate, has an amazing love for horses and animals, can sing and is a talented creative writer among many other things. I have three nieces and each of them have incredible unique gifts as well.  My oldest niece is gifted with outward beauty, incredible sports ability and a sense of beautiful style all her own.  My second niece is outgoing, can sing, act, is an entrepreneur, is witty and funny! My youngest niece Priscilla is so creative and sweet!  She has such a big heart and…