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    New Places, New Things

    Traveling to new places has always been something I enjoy!  Whether in the states or abroad, I’ve always enjoyed seeing and experiencing new people, places, the food and culture.  It was no different when I recently traveled with my mom to Ohio.  We were primarily going to Canton, Ohio to visit my Uncle David who took the position of the Pro Football Hall of Fame President/Executive Director in January.  I was taking my mom to visit her baby brother (about 11 years younger but 6’9″).  I have never met two siblings that love each other so much!  They did not grow up with a silver spoon in their mouth and…

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    Fave-Crafts Best Blogger E-book Available

    A few weeks ago I participated in Fave-Crafts Blogger Event.  I wanted to thank all for your votes, encouragement and participation.  It meant a lot to me personally and I was in the running.  I am just grateful for the opportunity to connect and share life and art with you.  I love when you share with me.  Thank you!  You are such a treasure to me! I did want to share that all those great projects you may have viewed . . . can be found in one place right HERE (for free). These projects cover DIY mixed media, jewelry, clothing, and more using an array of incredible products provided by generous…

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    Defining Yourself

    It’s been almost two weeks since I’ve blogged and that’s due to sickness and one busy schedule.  However, I have been desiring to share with you what’s been on my mind.  The last week or so has been a week of visiting people from the past, family, new experiences and more.  I’m going through a lot of change at work . . . some exciting changes and a new path.  I had the lovely opportunity to catch up with a friend who I haven’t seen in over 10 years . . . who has grown into a beautiful young lady.  As well, my daughter has had some fun and new…

  • Art,  Mixed Media,  Sharing the Love - Giveaways,  Tutorials and How to's,  Uncategorized

    FiskaFriends Power of Community Blog Hop 2015 ~ Simple Artsy Butterfly Wall-Hanging

    Welcome to the first official Fisk-a-friends Blog Hop.  Fun is around the corner.  Here are a little housekeeping tips for the Blog Hop.  The Fisk-a-friends Blog Hop begins officially at March 27 at 6 p.m. (Pacific Time). For complete Blog Hop rules please click here. On Fisk-a-friend blog hop you are sure to find some wonderful ideas pertaining to crafting, scrapbooking, art and mixed media. Jean Bullock has done an amazing job organizing sponsors (thank you sponsors and Jean), you are in for a treat!  A great giveaways! If you would like to be eligible for the sponsor giveaway drawing, start at the Fiskafriends blog here and follow instructions. I’ll also be doing a personal…

  • Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  Life,  Mixed Media,  Uncategorized

    Do Not Fear

    Well, things have been a bit quiet on the blogging front for good reason.  These past couple weeks I had pneumonia and what a feat to get back on my feet but here I am! I wanted to share a recent project that was titled ‘Do Not Fear’. I’m wondering where are you on your journey . . . For me recently my work life and outside involves lots of newness.  I’m learning so much but I’m also fighting off the fear and having to trust.  I’m trusting that the road before me has taken a different direction but it’s going to be a good one!  I’m trusting that although…

  • Art,  Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  Life

    Inspiration IKEA

    Well, I’ve been down with pneumonia for a little over a week.  Today was the first day I did normal things and felt like an actual living person.  Anyhow, we headed to IKEA  . . . cinnamon roll and coffee x3 for about $5.  Then we walked the floor.  While some of the things I may not put in my home . . . I may put something similar in my art journal.  Other things, I would certainly put in my home.  Love the lace curtains, shabby lamps and more.  Sweet A sure enjoyed the inspiration as well.  Can you tell I was happy to be among the living? I…

  • Art,  Tutorials and How to's,  Uncategorized

    Fave Crafts Best Blogger Project 2015 – Are You Up for Inspiration & a Vote?

    I had the blessing of attending an awesome event at CHA the last several years that FaveCrafts hosted for creative bloggers.  You may have seen a picture or two on Facebook of the event this past January.  What fun!  FaveCrafts does an awesome job and the manufacturer sponsors . . . so generous. Last year I was able to attend by my energy level from chemo was still on the brink.  I didn’t participate in the Best Blogger Project 2014.  This year . . . I’m popping up for some air . . . literally as I was told today by the doctor that I have pneumonia.  Better than cancer I…

  • Life,  The Homestead,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Beauty Behind the Lens

    I am a native Southern Californian.  While my husband was born in Minnesota and daughter in Florida . . . they too love the sea.  The beach is one of our favorite family outings!  It brings fun, serenity, memories and so much more.  People flock from all over the world to wade on the shores of Southern California and we have the blessing of it being in our backyard. Some locals will know some of these sights but if you ever come to Sunny So Cal. (thinking about our Midwest friends as they get snow), you’ll enjoy these sights as well I believe. Balboa Bar We saw a flyer with…

  • Life,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Being a Fanatic!

    I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about being a ‘fanatic!’  What’s a fanatic? fa·nat·ic fəˈnadik/ noun  1. a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religious or political cause. synonyms: zealot, dogmatist, devotee, adherent;   adjective 1. filled with or expressing excessive zeal.  I think really you can be a fanatic for anything.  I was listening to a song on the radio called talking about not being ashamed for being ‘on fire’ about your faith.  This is so true.  While each of us have a choice, I can still be sold out.  I have friends from all walks of life but I do want to be authentic to me…

  • Art Journaling,  Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  Mixed Media,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    A Mini Class, Laughter and Good Health

    Recently, I had the opportunity to spend some creative time with some of my dearest friends. It was impromptu and the special time we had priceless. When we get together sometimes I enjoy challenging or teaching them a mixed media or art journaling technique new to them. I had packed three erasers and some stamp carving tools. Each of them created the cutest stamp individual to them and which shared their personality. Tanya carved a bird, Sylvia a paintbrush and Mary a cool abstract shape.  I wanted to remember our mini class, the laughs and the blessing of these lovely ladies. These times are so good for the soul! Thus,…