The Homestead

Warm experiences, recipes and all things about Home.

  • Life,  The Homestead,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Martial Arts – Yes Arts

    A few months back, a friend and I had a conversation about breast cancer and then kickboxing.  This friend owns multiple martial arts studios.  I shared with him that I’ve always wanted to give kick boxing a try.  Lo and behold, about a week later I had a pair of pink boxing gloves on my desk with a gift certificate to try out kick boxing.  Well, I fell in love with kickboxing and martial arts.  I attend United Studios of Self Defense (USSD) Mission Viejo North.  I had never been exposed to martial arts (except in the police academy when we were given one weaponless defense course). The Sensei’s (instructors)…

  • The Homestead,  Tutorials and How to's,  Uncategorized

    Crafting Egg Rolls – A DIY

    Life has been busy.  I did want to however share with you a fun recipe and party idea. A couple months ago I was invited to attend an event an Egg Roll Party.  What fun it was and I rolled my very first egg roll. My friend (who is a beautiful Vietnamese gal) taught us how to make these delights and I captured it on a ‘raw’ video to share with you.  Pardon the background noise, it is a party.  So if you’ve ever wondered how to make an egg roll . . . here’s the how to.   P.S. ~ You can purchase egg roll wrappers at most grocery stores.…

  • Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  Life,  The Homestead,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    ~ 100 Days to Christmas Countdown ~

    ‘We need a little Christmas . . . right this very minute’ . . . Yes!  The countdown is on and over at Paperless Post they are celebrating 100 Days to Christmas Countdown.  I was inspired by Christmas cards over at Paperless Post.  Feel free to check out their Christmas cards here as we prepare for the season.  So in tune with Christmas, we were chatting recently about Christmas traditions.  No, it’s not too early as I’ve been planning my Logan’s tradition (more to come) since August 1st per their request. Christmas is such a time of hope.  While most of the time Christmas is joyous, there are those times where…

  • Life,  Mixed Media,  The Homestead,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Be You. Bravely

    It’s been a while since my last post and for good reason.  I returned from Idaho and an amazing Brave Girl University teacher retreat.  Shortly after that on a Sunday night, I began to experience some internal bleeding and a lot of pain.  It landed me in the hospital for three days with ulcers and then rest for an additional four days after that.  So I’ve been a little MIA but I’ve been doing some extra resting and returning to normal. I wanted to share a few thoughts on Being You . . . Bravely.  I’ve been thinking on this often.  As many of you know, I have a teenage…

  • Art,  The Homestead,  Uncategorized

    DIY Decor Facelift ~ Using Your Stash

    I had a bit of down time today and chose to finally finish a couple projects.  This little metal sign was given to me with love. It was darling and had some rust (which I don’t mind). IT read, ‘Welcome to my Cottage.’ I wanted to make it more of a we sign. i love using things I have on hand and left over metal, fabric and chipboard letters are plentiful in my stash.  Just a quick idea to freshen things up. Paint over a sign or canvas that needs some refreshment and use your stash.  Here was the result.

  • Life,  My Breast Cancer Journey,  The Homestead,  Uncategorized

    Day One – Three Years Ago

    Hello all . . . today marks three years since my diagnosis of invasive ductal carcinoma, breast cancer and I’m a little more than 1/2 way to be considered ‘cancer free’ (five years).  While we have just finished up with Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it’s not too late to get your mammogram, do a self-check or remind the woman or man you love in your life to do the same. I wanted to share with you what I wrote exactly three years ago on my diagnosis date.  It still applies and I want to live it no matter what life brings my way.  My heart, still to this day overflows…

  • Life,  The Homestead,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Beauty Behind the Lens

    I am a native Southern Californian.  While my husband was born in Minnesota and daughter in Florida . . . they too love the sea.  The beach is one of our favorite family outings!  It brings fun, serenity, memories and so much more.  People flock from all over the world to wade on the shores of Southern California and we have the blessing of it being in our backyard. Some locals will know some of these sights but if you ever come to Sunny So Cal. (thinking about our Midwest friends as they get snow), you’ll enjoy these sights as well I believe. Balboa Bar We saw a flyer with…

  • Art,  The Homestead,  Tutorials and How to's,  Uncategorized

    Upscaled IKEA RIT Dyed Throw

    I love some of the collections at IKEA.  Do you have an IKEA near you?  But often you may find something you love but it doesn’t fit your color scheme.  RIT dye to the rescue!  I can’t remember when I didn’t use RIT dye in my home. A beautiful Ofelia throw from IKEA for $19.99, a bottle of RIT for $5.33 (Hobby Lobby has it cheaper) and some water you have yourself an upscaled lovely throw for your home.  I shared in the RIT Studio.  Have you ever visited?  Have an idea to share?  A great place to do so.  I have some other ideas I’m itching to get to.  At CHA they had dye…

  • Life,  The Homestead,  Uncategorized

    Treasures ~ In Life and Found at the Lovely Vintage Marketplace

    I hope you enjoyed the video and coming on a little field trip of vintage bliss with me.  If you missed that you can see more here. With all the hardwork that Rita, Christy and all the vendors do to provide such a lovely experience .  . . I wanted to just give a little lovely to say thank you for all she does but most important for who she is. I had earned some money from a bracelet I created/sold as well as some ‘magazine publication’ funds.   I was on a budget but oh the lovely steals I found. To those vintage labels I’ll be adding a tag that reads…