
Thoughts on Life, Faith, Everyday Moments, and More.

  • Life,  Sharing the Love - Giveaways,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    A Somerset Life and Giveaway * Winner Chosen

    So I picked a name out of a hat and the winner is . . . . . Marianne B in AZ.  Congratulations.  I’ll notify Stampington to send your copy of Somerset Life your way.  Thank you Stampington! Some of you are familiar with Stampington and Company’s beautiful publications. For others, maybe you have never had the pleasure to experience these amazing periodicals.  They are so beautifully done.  From the artwork collected, the well written informative and inspiring articles, the thick lovely pages, layout and more, each issue is packed full of creative goodness.  Stampington’s family of publications span so many creative venues; Bella Grace (photos and stories), Art Journaling, Bella…

  • Life,  The Homestead,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Getting Creative with the Crock Pot ~ A Quick Delish Meal

    My crockpots are so well loved.  I have a family of crockpots; a large one, medium sized and one for keeping things warm like dips or appetizers.  I also have a tri crockpot station that keeps three things warm at a time; great for entertaining. Well, these last couple months have been the busiest in a long time with graduation and award ceremonies, friends who are graduating, overtime and being short staffed at work, getting ready to move our girl to Montana for college, and so much more. I work full time (ten hour days), head to the Dojo (Karate/Kickboxing) and then home to fix the family something filling.  I’m…

  • Life,  Mixed Media,  Sketching,  Uncategorized

    If You Were On An Island – 5 Favorite Art Supplies

    If you were stranded on an island . . . what five favorite art supplies would you want to keep you busy until you’re rescued?  I was thinking . . . there would be great inspiration on an island.  I’d paint the wildlife, plants, sea, trees, etc.  Then try and think of home and paint that as well.  I could use leaves for impressions in the gesso. My top five would be; Cold press watercolor paper Watercolor crayons Gesso India Ink – if I had one color to choose from – Blue Aqua brush How about you?  What are your favorites?  Are you a scrapbooker?  Painter?  Sculptor?  What could you…

  • Life,  Uncategorized

    June Happenings – A Happy Whirlwind

    Ignatius of Loyola said, “Go forth and set the world on fire.”  That’s what these graduates are going to do.  Some into the workforce, some on to higher education, others to serve valiantly in our armed services, and the list goes on.  They are a force that will change our future. Wow . . . June has been insanely busy with you but our girl . . . she’s a high school graduate and off to Montana State University in the Fall.  Graduation was yesterday.  Grad night was last night.  We volunteered and I’m so tired but thrilled for our girl.  She’s done so well and received some amazing awards…

  • Art,  Art Journaling,  Life,  Mixed Media,  Sketching,  Tutorials and How to's,  Uncategorized

    How About it? Are You Joining this Amazing Journey?

    Are you signed up for this amazing faith filled artistic adventure? Will you be joining us for this incredible online journey learning new things, discussing faith and getting to know one another? Amazing artists will inspire and teach you. If you sign up for God, Glory, Art before Sunday you will be entered to win this amazing prize pack with some awesome stamps designed for Prima by Jamie Severtson Dougherty as well as these awesome art supplies. Check out HERE

  • Life,  The Homestead,  Uncategorized

    10 Things I Can’t Live Without

    What are ten things right now in life that bring you enjoyment or make your life a little easier.  We all know that faith, family and friends are on the top of that list but I’m wondering about tangible things.  I figure as we grow and throughout different seasons some of these probably change.  I’d love to know what are your top ten?  For me . . . here’s what I think would be my top ten right now and not necessarily in this order (except for number one) . . . My Bible/Devotional – Starts my day off right, encourages and lifts up, inspires and provides wisdom. Coffee –…

  • Art,  Art Journaling,  Life,  Mixed Media,  Sketching,  Tutorials and How to's,  Uncategorized

    God, Glory, Art Workshop

    I’m so thrilled to share with you an amazing upcoming journey with Jamie Dougherty and several other amazing artists. Welcome to God Glory Art Kick off this faith-based workshop with us by following us on our Facebook Roundabout today. Ten lucky people will win their tuition for the workshop today! To enter follow our roundabout on Facebook and comment on each post for a chance to win!! Just friend me on my personal Facebook if you aren’t already, to spy the roundabout today (Cheryl Bodkin Waters). To find out more about our collaborative workshop . . . Click here to view more details God Glory Art is a faith based journey…

  • Life,  Uncategorized

    Top Movies of the 80’s

    I thought it would be fun to share some of the top movies of the 80’s.  The 80’s was an amazing time for music and movies.  I remember on my 16th birthday, my friends took me to see Sixteen Candles.  Some of the movies below were favorites of mine (i.e. anything Star Wars, Mollie Ringwald, etc.), some of the movies below weren’t my favorites but sure were icons of the 80’s.  For example, A Nightmare on Elm Street made Freddy Kruger famous as did A Child’s Play did with Chuckie).  Enjoy the walk down memory lane for some. Which were your favorites?  If you weren’t a child of the 80’s,…

  • Life,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Ode to the Power of Community

    I’ve been a little MIA here on the blog but thought I’d share why. A dear friend and co-worker was diagnosed with lung cancer about a year and a half ago.  She has been such a fighter.  She has never smoked and lived a pretty healthy life.  The cancer metastasized and has spread everywhere.  She’s currently on hospice and I’ve been spending time attempting to be a support to her and her family.  In fact, her work family has been amazing rallying around Joel.  She is a single mom of two wonderful boys; ages 9 and 14.  Oh the heart! It’s been amazing to see the outpouring of love and…

  • Creative Planners,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    DCWV Planner Review – Love

    Hello all!  I’m thrilled to share with you DCWV planners.  You may know DCWV (Die Cuts with a View) as a leader in paper crafting, home decor, and beautiful jewelry supplies.  They have been a long standing strong company in business for over 20 years.  They do an amazing job and offering inspiration, creativity at a great value. At first impression while opening the box containing this beautiful DCWV planner was the feel of the cover.  The cover is made of a faux lovely leather, my specific planner, red in color.  I love the soft feel of it.  I also loved the color and quality.  The planner seems sturdy and durable…