
Thoughts on Life, Faith, Everyday Moments, and More.

  • Art Journaling,  Faith,  Life,  Mixed Media,  Sketching,  Uncategorized

    The Walk – A Special Journey and Course

    On The Walk of life it really does make a difference what paths we choose, what we take with us, what we leave behind, who we take with us, what we tell ourselves as we travel and more. I’ve been off for about three weeks with some foot surgery and my time is wrapping up before I head back to work. I haven’t fully recuperated but enough to go back to work. After healing for a couple weeks, I chose to go through Melody Ross’ course, ‘The Walk.’ I had gone through the videos before which are awesome but didn’t take the time to do the course work. It’s one…

  • Art Journaling,  Faith,  Life,  Mixed Media,  Sketching,  Thoughts,  Tutorials and How to's,  Uncategorized

    Soul Words ~ A Quick Healthy Soul Exercise

    Working full-time I realize I need to get some Soul Nourishment in before my day starts because once I get to work it’s 0 – 60 in no time flat. My day gets going at a busy pace so making sure I take a break some days is a necessity. That brings me to a soul nourishing exercise that is quick, easy and refreshing. The Exercise: In the image below I’ve listed some soul words. Simply take a planner (your current one or an old one), journal, or even a sheet of paper and say the word out loud. Write the word on your paper and then ponder what that…

  • Creative Planners,  Life,  Thoughts

    Planning for the New Year

    With a new year comes a new planner. Well, this planner isn’t new to me as I’ve been saving it. Last year I really enjoyed my Heidi Swapp Memory planner and I have a wonderful keepsake capturing special moments through the year. I have, however, been waiting to use my DCWV Rose Gold Planner. Oh how I love this planner. I love the cute interchangeable charms that snap on the front of the plannerr, the darling polka dot design and the magnetic closure snap. One thing I’m enjoying as well after wearing a uniform for 20 years of my life, now that I wer ‘civies’, I like using  the wardrobe…

  • Creative Planners,  Life,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Planning for a Full Life

    Sometimes with life you feel as if you go from 0-60 in no time flat and the road takes a big turn.  Well, that’s a bit what my life looks like currently. In the last 5 months, I’ve had some major events take place. I’ve sadly lost some dear loved ones that were a daily part of my life We moved our girl to Montana for school which was exciting and hard at the same time.  We are now empty nesters I celebrated my five year cancer free mark A wonderful family wedding took place in Santa Barbara We made a move and now mom, hubby and I live together…

  • Life,  Uncategorized

    Breast Cancer Awareness and My Journey Thus Far

    As many of you know, I was diagnosed with breast cancer five years ago.  I have not fought alone!  In fact, my uniform of the day states just that.  You have lifted, encouraged, supported, given, loved so much and I cannot begin to thank you.  You are an amazing force of support! I’m so saddened to say that in the last six months I have lost two friends to cancer.  I have another that is fighting hard.  Cancer touches all of us. With October being ‘Breast Cancer Awareness’ month, I wanted to share something I found that I thought was good information.  Recently a dear family member was called back…

  • Creative Planners,  Life,  Uncategorized

    The Planner Society Crop Recap

    Hello all, Its been exactly a week since I attended the Planner Society Crop.  You probably saw a ton of photos surrounding this fun time.  It had been quite a while since I had seen Christy and what an amazing venue to attend.  This event was so much about amazing product and projects for your planner, giveaways, new friends and old, shopping, swag, swaps (planner gifts and planner goodies) and most importantly, investing in one another’s lives. What an amazing community the planner community is.  Oh the friendships that were made!  Absolutely precious.  Since photos are worth a thousand words, I wanted to share several photos from this past weekend. …

  • Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  Life,  Uncategorized

    IKEA Inspiration

    As a family, we like to take a trip from time to time to IKEA.  Our daughter leaves to head off to Montana State University for college in just a couple of days.  IKEA has great dorm and design ideas.  We enjoyed our time as we strolled through the showcase floors and even purchased a couple of items for her dorm.  I’m going to miss our time together but it’s time for our baby bird to ‘fly.’ I’m always inspired when we go to IKEA and I thought I’d share a few photos that may inspire you as well! Enjoy!