
Thoughts on Life, Faith, Everyday Moments, and More.

  • Art,  Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  Creative,  Life,  Travel

    Home and Adventures

    “But until then, and right now, the sun is bright, the air is cool, my head is clear, there’s a whole day ahead of us, we’re almost to the mountains, it’s a good day to be alive. It’s this thinner air that does it. You always feel like this when you start getting into higher altitudes.” ― Robert M. Pirsig Montana and Wyoming were amazing as always. I can’t wait to share more as I document our trip to Glacier National Park, Montana and Alberta, Canada. We’ve never been to Glacier or Canada so that’s a treat! Of course we had to visit Yellowstone again as well. With adventures like sleeping in…

  • Life,  Travel

    Vacation Time . . .

    We are on the road headed North to Glacier National Park. More info. HERE and I’d love to know where you’d like to visit. What’s your dream vacation? I won’t be posting for a few days but if you’re new here or haven’t been here in a while, I hope you’ll take a moment and look around. Enjoy and I look forward to connecting with you. Thank you for visiting. Warmest creative wishes.

  • Life,  Nature,  Travel,  Uncategorized

    We’re Headed North – What’s on Your Travel Bucket List?

    “Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in this world.” ~ Gustav Flaubert. We have had the opportunity to travel the world and for that I’m grateful. Many of you know that we lived in different countries for several years. There were amazing things about each but I still think Madagascar holds a very special place. I live in the United States and you don’t have to travel far to see what a gorgeous country this is. Our National Parks are amazing. From sea to shining sea, our country is beautiful and diverse. We love Yellowstone and the beauty of Big Sky Montana. It’s part…

  • Art,  Creative,  Life

    Treat Yourself to these Creative Exercises

    Do you find yourself feeling like you have to earn time to be creative? Of course we need to meet the needs of ourselves and others at home or work, but it’s necessary that you have time to recharge. If you’re like me, being creative helps me recharge and re-engage. I thought I’d share a couple ways that I treat myself to creative exercises. Entice your creativity . . . What brings you comfort? Is it a cup of your favorite tea? Maybe it’s a special blanket you cuddle up in or a book you’re reading. Take 10 minutes and ‘just do it.’ Relaxation can spark more productivity and creativity.…

  • Art Journaling,  Bible Journaling,  Faith,  Life,  Mixed Media

    Art Journaling in Scripture

    I’m thoroughly enjoying the New Testament Illustrated Faith study titled Revival Camp. The fun travel theme lends itself to a great devotional that sheds light on what we need to wear as believers, looking through a specific perspective (our love glasses) and more. Here is another entry in my Bible I created as I worked through another devotion. I’ve read this verse many a times throughout the years, but to ‘create’ it, really helped me to think on and ponder the meaning. I even cut a heart and glued it back together symbolic that He heals our broken hearts and lifts us up. Psalm 34:18 ~ The Lord is near…

  • Art Journaling,  Bible Journaling,  Faith,  Life,  Mixed Media,  Thoughts

    Diving into the Word – Summer Bible Journaling

    The Summer is all about diving into activities, a change in weather and all it has to offer, the swimming pool and more. Recently I’ve been working on getting healthier and the good weather that Summer brings helps with this process. I’ve been taking an Aqua Fit class that’s fun and beneficial. I was thinking about Bible Journaling and how it too is diving in but having fun! Diving into the Word of God to touch and guide our hearts and fun because Bible journaling is a fresh way to record what God is sharing with you in the margins of your Bible. I see Bible journaling also as a…

  • Art,  Life,  The Homestead

    Rough Day Kit

    We all have rough days from time to time.  Days where things just don’t go as planned, or an unexpected, not so joyous event takes place. It’s Summer and our girl is home with us but while off to college in Montana, I knew there would be days she would miss family or just need a little pick me up. Quite a while ago, I received a cute little tin box called a ‘Rough Day Kit.’  Iy came empty and you were to customize it. I knew exactly what I was going to do with it . . . collect some things and send to our sweet girl at college.…