Benefits of Calming ‘Indigo’ Blue
Oh the calm of blue. My recent Indigo blue dying adventures and some thoughts on the psychology of blue.
Autism Awareness, A New Puzzle Gel Press Plate and More
Join me as we talk about Autism Awareness and new product from Gel Press. I'll share a unique DIY decor project using the new puzzle piece plate.
Artwork & All Kinds of Amazing Goods
So recently I drew and painted a little ‘Some Bunny Special’ as well as a Springtime Whale. I posted it and some friends were interested in having their own copy. You can find those little painted precious creatures HERE. So . . . I did a thing. This is a total work in progress, but I thought I’d share with you, that I opened up a Society6 storefront. Basically, I’ve uploaded some of my artwork and Society6 offers that artwork on many different items from stainless steel water bottles, apparel, bedding, furniture, coasters, notebooks, stationary, mugs, and so much more. Below are just a few items available available at the…
Recent Collage Fodder – Make Your Own
Creating Collage Fodder for future use encourages a daily practice of creating. Often you can use what you have and you're creating beautiful bits for future projects. Check out my most recent fodder. I'm hoping it will encourage you to make your own.
Downloadable Collage Fodder from my Hands to Yours
Sharing some downloadable collage fodder from me, to you. I created tags, pages, and drawings you may enjoy using for personal use in your journals. Enjoy.