• Sharing the Love - Giveaways

    Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner

    I wanted to thank you all for your lovely comments, for staying connected and subscribing and for the wonderful blessing you are to my life! If you’re reading the blog for the first time . . . I had a little hiccup and if you were signed up before . . . my subscriber list is no longer.  Read more here. The random winner of the prize package is #6, Kelly S. who shared, “Love your new site. So much more user friendly and eye pleasing too. You have & continue to make such a beautiful artsy mark in the world. Excited to continue on the journey with you here.…

  • Art Journaling,  Life,  Mixed Media,  Uncategorized

    Throwback Thursday – Amazing Grace

    It’s so popular right now to see folks post older photos of themselves or loved ones.  Several folks call it, “Throwback Thursday’. Well, I’d like to share Throwback Thursdays with you as well but in a different context.  I have kept an on-line journal for many years now.  Recently, (July 2014) Go Daddy changed their blog hosting company from Blogcast to WordPress.  That’s fine and dandy however we never got ‘the memo’ and had no preparation.  One day, my blog was gone.  Thank goodness a few weeks back I was prompted to print out several posts I wanted to keep.  As I shared my journey through breast cancer last year…

  • Art Journaling,  Life,  Mixed Media

    Right Now Mondays

    Hello all, I hope this Monday finds you well.  Monday . . . a fresh start, an opportunity to be an epic week, and so much more. I wanted to share something fun with you and it’s a slight read. I was thinking the other day when I was art journaling about the phrase ‘Right Now‘.  Then I was thinking about you. So I’d love to make Mondays . . . ‘Right Now Mondays‘. I’ve been doing a lot of journaling recently . . . some just putting down the written word and other times art journaling.  It’s been a good practice for healing and recording life moments for the…

  • Uncategorized

    Running With Scissors Hair Salon

    First off I just want to say thank you for the love.  If you’ll continue to spread the word that would be wonderful. I love the connections and friendships I’ve made on my blog and surely don’t want to lose touch with these warm and wonderful people. Now . . . Recently a sweet family friend treated me to my first real hair cut after chemo. My hair is getting longer, not as curly, thick (not as thick as before), and yes, a bit grayer.  I guess I could say I earned those gray hairs. My friend was sweet to treat me to a haircut and introduce me to a new…

  • Thoughts

    On the Road Again & A New Look for the AF Blog

    Greetings all. First off I want to say thank you for being here.  These past three years or so have been the most challenging of my life.  Not necessarily the cancer fight (although it wasn’t a cake walk and I’m not considered ‘cancer free’ for another four years) but we’ve had some other trials that have been incredibly tough.  But nonetheless, I am grateful that I know hope and  have truth and promises to stand firmly on. About a month ago, my blog went blank.  Come to find out our hosting company changed their format to WordPress which I was happy about however my subscriber list and all my former…

  • Art Journaling,  Life,  Mixed Media,  Uncategorized

    A Part of the Equation; A Call To Action

    We have the choice and opportunity to make a difference in another’s life.  Right now, there is a lot of need in our community, towns, nation and across the world.  Having served and lived in third world countries for six years, I have certainly seen poverty.  My question to you is what steps are you going to take this week to make a difference.  First step is to name it and you may want to record this in your art journal or just write it down.  Make a plan to accomplish it. Could be big or small.  Here are a few ideas that come to mind.  This week I’m going to…