• Life,  The Homestead,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Vintage Inspired Organization

    While I’m a very creative person, I do like to have order to the madness of art supplies, personal items, clothes, etc. I find that if I see it, I’ll use it more often. One thing I enjoy is finding ways to use vintage items to keep order and stay organized.  I love scarves and hats of all kinds. Recently I wanted to bring my scarves out of a small drawer and into the open so I could see them. I found this mini ladder and thought it was perfect to display and organize my scarves. I love the outcome. How about you . . . what is something you’d…

  • Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  Life,  Mixed Media,  Uncategorized

    Brave Girl Art ~ Displaying Truth

    While at the Brave Girl Symposium I had an opportunity to create some ‘Truth Tags’ and thought I’d share them with you. Having reminders of light and love throughout the house can be uplifting. I taped my tags together to create a little accordion formation that stands.  You can create your own truth tags with any surface including paper, cardboard, chipboard, etc. Stamp or cut out words and images that speak to you. Color, paint, and decorate your tags.  Remember, you are loved. Warmest creative wishes,

  • Art,  Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  Life,  Mixed Media,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    Wearing Words of Encouragement

    As some of you know, our girl and I took a road trip to Montana. We planned a stop in Boise, Idaho for a few days to be a part of the Brave Girl Symposium and then we planned on heading up through Northern Montana to Glacier National Park and on into Canada before getting her settled for school in Bozeman, MT. Well, plans changed due to fires but our time in Idaho had moments of fun and friendship. It wasn’t without it’s own challenges with some health issues but we did have some fun moments and I was able to see old friends and meet new ones. Abigail and…

  • Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  Uncategorized

    On the Road Again – Idaho, Montana, Canada

    Hello all, Life has been busy lately. Thank you to those as well that reached out regarding concern about the Southern California fires. We are okay. Just so sad. Tomorrow my daughter and I leave for a road trip to Idaho, Montana and Canada. Idaho will be our first long stay and we are excited to be a part of the Brave Girl Symposium volunteer group. Melody Ross, Kathy Wilkins are sweet friends and I have grown to love their family. It’s been exciting to be a part of the Brave Girl, now Brave Living movement and watch it grow. I encourage you that if you’re remotely thinking about coming…

  • Art,  Life,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    An Altered Walking Stick and a Brave Walk

    It takes bravery to show up, to participate in life, to invest in others and put yourself out there allowing your heart to be vulnerable. It takes courage to go out into the world, to make your mark and walk the path you were made for. As Nike says, ‘Just Do It’ but that’s easier said than done. However, that’s where the treasure lies. I know I’ve shared about Melody Ross’ course called “The Walk”. It’s a great one. You can check out more HERE. In a couple, weeks, we head to the Brave Girl Symposium in Idaho for a few days, then up to Glacier National Park, up to…

  • Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  Uncategorized

    The Original Rubber Stamp Show

    Yesterday I made my way up to the ‘Original Rubber Stamp Show/Convention’ in Carson, California. It was a joy to see some friends. While it wasn’t a large show, there were certainly some great deals and a small section of some good stamp companies. Of course a highlight was Tim Holtz and Mario’s attendance at the show. As well, Dyan Reaveley demonstrated her products. The Stampers Anonymous booth was hopping! See photos from their booth and others below.          Rubberneck Stamps had some darling stamps. Inky Antics . . . Here are a few additional vendors like Little Elaine and more. What creative place has your travels taken you?…

  • Life,  Thoughts

    The Love of Tiny Things

    Ever since I’ve been young, I have had a love of tiny things! I used to have a miniature house and used to enjoy visiting Knotts Berry Farm’s miniature village. Recently I came across a blog that features beautiful shabby chic miniatures. Check out the amazing tutorials. I hope you’ll enjoy taking a moment and enjoying the ‘small things in life.’ Wishing all a beautiful weekend. Check out more HERE. Warmest creative wishes,  

  • Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  Life,  Sketching,  Uncategorized

    Figures and Faces Art Exhibit * Laguna Beach * July 5th

    Emotion can be expressed both on the human face and body. I’m thrilled to be just one of the artists that is involved in the 2018 ‘Figure and Faces’ art exhibit Las Laguna Gallery in Laguna Beach, California. If you’re a local, I hope you have an opportunity to visit. Now is a wonderful time to visit Laguna Beach during the Arts Festival and especially during Laguna’s First Thursdays Art Walk. The Art Walk takes place once a month on the first Thursday of each month and it’s a  wonderful time to peruse galleries and shops throughout Laguna Beach. It’s a lovely time to enjoy some appetizers, drink and art.…

  • Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  Life,  Sketching,  Uncategorized

    Art and Summer Days

    Some schools are already out for Summer break and others are wrapping up the academic year. Summer is here. I have the blessing of living in the beautiful O.C. 15 minutes from Laguna Beach and other cities that have an abundance of art galleries and artists. Each year I enjoy attending the Pageant of the Masters or the Sawdust Festival. The free trolleys around Laguna Beach allow you to get from one end of the beach city to the other end easily. Looking for Summer activities surrounding art? Looking for a date night or activity with the kids that aren’t going to cost you an arm and a leg? While the…

  • Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  The Homestead,  Tutorials and How to's,  Uncategorized

    DIY Signs ~ A New Place in Town

    Signs are a great way to convey love or a message of encouragement in your home. I’ve always loved taking something old and repurposing it such as the sign below in which was simply a rusted oval. I created something new when I added letters and a rose embellishment. As well, I love signs big and small throughout my home to communicate something special or serve as a reminder. See below just a few signs I have in my room. If you’re in Orange County, California, specifically Lake Forest, where I happen to live, and you enjoy DIY, you may want to check out Board and Brush Creative Studio. Before…