Daughter, Wife, Mother, Friend, artist, vintage loving, law enforcement officer, Southern Californian, God and country loving girl who loves to meet like minded creative people, share life with new and old friends. Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better. ~André Gide

  • Life,  Thoughts

    Time for Change

    It’s hard to put yourself out there whether it be your art, the vulnerability of sharing a hurt or a journey. If you know me, I usually wear my heart on my sleeve and live pretty out loud. Well, I will be entering into a weight loss journey and I plan to share it with you. I may share photos or through art journaling. Either way, you are a part of my circle of support. It’s an embarrassing one that I’ve allowed myself to get to this point but I’m leaving the shame behind and embracing change. I hope to learn and change the way I think about food. I…

  • Life,  Thoughts


    brave /brāv/ adjective 1.ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage:”a brave soldier”synonyms:courageous, fearless, valiant, valorous, … noun 1.a North American Indian warrior. verb 1.endure or face (unpleasant conditions or behavior) without showing fear:”we had to brave the full heat of the sun” In case you need a reminder from Winnie the Pooh, “Always remember you are braver than you believe, smarter than you seem, and stronger than you think.” Warmest creative wishes,

  • Art Journaling,  Mixed Media,  Not So Traditional Scrapbooking

    Disney Dreams Album

    This little album is from my heart. While I wish I would have had more time to work on it, things have been hectic at home and work, I enjoyed creating this little wrap mixed media journal with a Disney theme. It was created with someone special in mind who is going through a medical challenge. This special someone enjoys taking trips to Disneyland. I am hoping it will be perfect to put some mini photos in there of a favorite trip to D-land. Here’s a peek at the album. Here are some supplies I used: Sizzix Wrap Journal Die, acrylic paint, Tim Holtz stamps, clips, dies, and ephemera, texture…

  • Art,  Life,  Mixed Media,  Thoughts,  Tutorials and How to's

    ‘Queen Bee of Brave’ Tag

    Went junk’in with the hubby on Sunday. We also made sure that we visited the ‘Bee Lady’ while we were at the flea market. The Bee Lady (not even sure that’s the business name) carries local honey. She also carries many types of honey infused with other things like pear and other fruit. The hubby uses local honey to often to help combat his allergies. While junk’in, I found some amazing old toy blocks (you’ll see those in the future), some cute mini lanterns that are rusty with the cutest stained glass cover. In addition to those treasures I found these darling vintage stamps so I decided to create a…

  • Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More)

    Gone Junk’in

    It’s a term used for going to flea markets, garage or estate sales, collecting things old and sometimes making them new, keeping some things in their old state, and digging for treasures. Maybe it’s a love my mom instilled in me to find amazing deals, taking something old, decorating and appreciating the history and beauty of things past. My mom has an amazing knack for interior design and many times she’s found incredible pieces of furniture that have amazing value and beauty for a fraction of the price. I’ve been doing it for a long time and was junk’in when it wasn’t cool. Patina is one of my favorite hues!…

  • Art,  Art Journaling,  Leather Working and Chip Art

    Chip Art Tools for Sale

    Have you heard of Chip Art? Some of you have and know that I used to teach with these amazing tools. They hadn’t quite been released when I met Melody Ross. A mutual friend introduced us. The tools are absolutely amazing. I’ve taught with them and then my husband and I opened a store to sell Chip Art items. I have a small inventory of these wonderful tools for purchase and I’d love to share a little more about the versatility of the tools. Chip Art tools can be used on chipboard, books, leather, pressed into clay and more. It’s amazing. See below some images of what you can make…

  • Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  Life,  Sketching,  Tutorials and How to's

    My Favorite Find at Pinner’s Conference ~ Loddie Doddie

    So I shared a wrap up of the Pinner’s Conference here but I’m thrilled to share my favorite product find. Oh my do I love my Loddie Doddie Chalk Markers! Loddie Doddie is a young wonderful company. I can already tell that their founders and their way of business is warm and wonderful. Their product is amazing. When Matt welcomed me to the booth and put a marker in my hand, I was floored at the difference in the markers I purchase at my local craft stores. Loddie Doddie markers are creamy and smooth. There colors are saturated and they have a beautiful choice of palettes. My favorite color choice…

  • Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  Life

    Pinner’s Conference Wrap Up

    This past Friday Abigail and I headed to meet friends at the Pinner’s Conference in Ontario, California. Dear friends Mary and Tanya attended last year in Arizona and highly recommended it. While my expectations were high there were so many fun things to see. Of course, being with friends and family was the highlight of our time. This is a bit of a long post but many of you have inquired and I thought I’d share some sights and experiences we had. I’ll be sharing a favorite product I found. Oh dreamy! A few things below . . . ~ Our classes were okay but an hour sure goes by…

  • Art Journaling,  Life,  Mixed Media,  Sketching

    Tag, You’re It, Friend – Part Two

    For the holidays, a group of crafty friends and I decided we would gift one another with handcrafted tags. It was a gift to the recipient but also to the giver. We even considered a favorite palette for each individual. I was excited to make the tags as personal as possible so included a photo of something dear to their hearts. I love these folks so I wanted to make the tags special. I thought I’d share with you the tags I gifted my dear friends. Here’s Part One HERE where I shared Sylvia and Tanya’s tags. Part two, I share Mary and Susan’s tag. Susan’s Tag. Supplies: Acrylic Paint,…

  • Art,  Mixed Media

    Tag, You’re It Friend – Part One

    For the holidays, a group of crafty friends and I decided we would gift one another with handcrafted tags. It was a gift to the recipient but also to the giver. We even considered a favorite palette for each individual. I was excited to make the tags as personal as possible so I included a photo of something dear to their hearts. I love these ladies and wanted to make a very special tag special. I thought I’d share with you the tags I gifted my dear friends. In this post I’ve shared Sylvia and Tanya’s tag. Part Two will include Susan and Mary’s tag. Sylvia’s Tag. Materials used: Plaster,…