Right Now Mondays – Do not Doubt
It’s another ‘Right Now Monday‘ and are you ready to share? Ready to art journal?
If you missed the last ‘Right Now Monday‘ post , or wondering what Right Now Monday is about . . . . here it is . . . Right Now Monday Initial Post.
Right Now I want . . .
This could be something you desire to have (maybe not a need but a want – a house, a new job) or maybe this is a goal?
For me . . . Right Now and Today I want and desire for . . . my daughter, my husband, my mother, my friends, my family, YOU . . . to really know how much you are loved! To deeply know! I want loved ones to know that they are loved, they are cherished and they are precious!!! When we truly know we are loved . . . when we especially know the unconditional love of God . . . when we realize this fully, it has the capability of such power to change a person’s world and others around them! Do not Doubt – that You Are Loved!
Today what I plan on doing and what I highly encourage you to do . . . stop, take a moment and really look at yourself . . . whether you have bed head or you are ready to take on the world . . . look in the mirror and say, “I am truly loved and cherished.’ Believe it, say it out loud, claim it and think on it for the rest of the day, the week, the month, the year. Have no doubt that You Are Loved.

One Comment
Jean Bullock
Wonderful post, Cheryl. Awesome as always.