• Life,  Uncategorized

    Handling Stress During the Holidays – Some Helpful Hints

    Would you agree that for most of us this season is meaningful and evokes warmth.  However, for some this season brings loneliness, sadness because of loss, AND stress. I was among the crowds this week and it was a bit on the crazy side.  The busyness has begun.  For some, it’s almost like a race. With this season brings stress. Some ways that I’ve learned to deal with stress is by the following.  I hope you’ll take a moment to read and practice these.  It just might allow you to be healthier you and have a happier season. Stop and take some deep breaths.  Yes, sounds simple but during the…

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    Participation in Hairspray Live

    Hello all, Some of you television viewers may have seen information on the fun new performance on Wednesday, December 7th on NBC for Hairspray Live.  Looks like a fun and fabulous performance in the make with an all star cast!  My daughter and the special choir/dance group she is a member of, will be a part of the group cast for Hairspray Live. So if it’s your type of fun, I encourage you to take time out of your busy schedule, pop some popcorn, get some hot cocoa and enjoy the show. See HERE for more details! Warmest regards and wishes,

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    My Daughter Shares on Gratitude and A Great Way to Display It

    Today is the Marine Corps. Birthday (grateful to the Marine I married to one and grateful to know many), tomorrow Veteran’s Day (and I’m married to one and know many), and Thanksgiving is quickly approaching.  So grateful for the sacrifice our servicemen and women make! Yes, our country has changes ahead.  Yes, each day is uncertain (I surely know that being a cancer survivor).  Yes, there are ups and downs in life and some hard roads we have to take BUT there is so much to be grateful for. 1Eighty Apparel is an amazing apparel company owned by long time family friends.  1Eighty has some awesome ways to display and…

  • Creative Planners,  Uncategorized

    Planning for Fun ~ Planning for Necessity & a Little Giveaway *Winners Announced*

    Update: The following friends please email me your addresses. Helen G. Anita Jean M. Jean B. I just had to share about some recent ‘Planner’ events, ideas and more.  How many of you have a creative planner in your hand? I’ve had my Kikki K now for over two years and I will retire her this year.  She’s a beautiful blue but I chose a fun Heidi Swapp planner for 2017.  I love her style and it gives me a base of color to work with and build from.  I also love the style of the planner . . . a place for appointments but also room for a ‘to…

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    Breast Cancer Awareness Month – A Peek into my Chemo Art Journal

    October is Breast Cancer awareness month and as most of you know, I am a breast cancer survivor of four years in November.  I speak often for the American Cancer Society raising awareness and funds for those diagnosed and research.  I have been sending out some reminders regarding ladies, doing your self checks and getting your mammograms if you are of age or at risk.  Men, I’ve been sharing on social media to remind the wonderful ladies you love in your life to do the above; remind your mom, wife, friends and more.  No health insurance; the American Cancer Society, Susan G. Komen organization and many more can get you…

  • Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  Life,  Uncategorized

    Logan’s Candy Tour 2016 Interest

    Hello dear ones, I hope this finds you well.  I blogged recently about an annual tradition of visiting Logan’s Candy to ring in the season.  You can see more here.  At this amazing place, you are able to watch and sample amazing fresh candy canes.  I will be putting together another private group tour/demonstration once again this year.  Logan’s is located in Ontario, California.  Such a wonderful family and staff who have become dear friends.   It’s an amazing time together as a group and a warm tradition that is sure to bring smiles to kids of all ages. The way it works is that I contacted Logan’s back in August.  Jerry…

  • Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  Life,  The Homestead,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    ~ 100 Days to Christmas Countdown ~

    ‘We need a little Christmas . . . right this very minute’ . . . Yes!  The countdown is on and over at Paperless Post they are celebrating 100 Days to Christmas Countdown.  I was inspired by Christmas cards over at Paperless Post.  Feel free to check out their Christmas cards here as we prepare for the season.  So in tune with Christmas, we were chatting recently about Christmas traditions.  No, it’s not too early as I’ve been planning my Logan’s tradition (more to come) since August 1st per their request. Christmas is such a time of hope.  While most of the time Christmas is joyous, there are those times where…

  • Art Journaling,  Life,  Mixed Media,  Uncategorized

    Amazing Brave Girl Soul Restoration Course Coming Your Way

    Hello dear ones, On this Labor Day, I’d like to share something near to my heart.  Speaking of labor, life can be hard at times.  It can be painful (a different kind of labor) but it can also be victorious. Some of you know about Brave Girl Soul Restoration and some of you don’t.  I wanted to take a minute to share as this week the revised Soul Restoration course will be released on-line at Brave Girl University.  I had the blessing many years ago to be a part of a beginning of the Brave Girl movement.  I went to the second camp and there Melody shared with us about our ‘soul…

  • Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  Life,  Mixed Media,  Uncategorized

    Flea Market Finds – Shabby Storage for the Art Studio * Winner Chosen

    Gail Hutchinson . . . you’re our random winner.  I’ll be sending an email to let you know.  Wishing all an amazing day! As many of you know, I love old things and flea marketing. It was fun that my daughter and her friend wanted to join me. I had the lovely privilege of seeing a sweet friend as well.  A sweet friend and her sister run Whimsy (where I’ve taught before) and put on two amazing flea markets each month.  Find out more here and here. So I found some goodies on our trip; a caddy I’ll use for tools, a semi rusty basket and an awesome jumbo mason jar…

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    A Few Moments in my Planner

    Creative planners are all the rage and I love mine.  It keeps me organized but I enjoy drawing, painting and creating in it.  I usually post these via Facebook or Instagram but just thought I’d share here.  I’d love to see yours if you use a creative planner. Some scenes from my planner . . .