Artistic Christmas Gifts
September 4, 2023
Some folks have asked, ‘What do you do with all your Gel Press prints?’ Here are some simple gift ideas and ways to use your Gel Press prints or other collage papers you may already have in your stash.
- Wooden earrings – adhere with Gel Matte Medium a print to wooden earring blanks that can be found at local craft stores
- Jewelry Bezel – you can see a sample HERE
- Make an ornament
- Frame an amazing Gel Press Print for a friend so they can have a piece of your art in their home
- Make a bookmark(s) as a stocking stuffer or to pair with a book you plan to gift someone
- Wrap a jar or can with an unique print to spruce it up and fill with treats
- Cover a plain wooden box and give as a gift in itself or tuck something else in there like a gift card
- Create a journal for a friend using a print on the outside cover
- Make cute gift tags using your Gel Prints
- Use Gel Prints as wrapping paper
- Create a card – HERE is just one idea of many
- Using a favorite print, take a good photo of it and have fabric made from it at Spoonflower. Gift that fabric to someone who loves to sew or make a pillow or other item from it. HERE is some I had made and I love it.
- Try a website that can turn your designs into clothing, home decor, cups, mugs, stationary and other items. Society 6 is an example.
Those are just a few examples of ways you can use your Gel Press prints. Below are a couple of examples.

Warmest Creative Wishes,

Daughter, Wife, Mother, Friend, artist, vintage loving, law enforcement officer, Southern Californian, God and country loving girl who loves to meet like minded creative people, share life with new and old friends. Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better. ~André Gide

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Jean Marmo
Great ideas!
Thanks sweet Jean. I hope you’re doing well.