Comfort & Joy – Not Just for the Holidays
Oh how we need comfort and joy throughout the year, not just during the holidays. Back in November, the Eileen Hull Creative and Education teams partnered together to bring that community some Comfort & Joy. We each posted prompts throughout December to encourage the community to journal. It was such a beautiful time and lifted us all. Here was my PROMPT on remembering sweet traditions.
So I wanted to take an opportunity and share my completed book. It will be a keepsake for years to come. It highlighted some things of Christmas’ past and present. The below is like a ‘virtual walkthrough of the book.’ I used a lot of gel press prints and techniques. For the cover I used cardboard and Eileen Hull’s traveler’s journal which you can find HERE.
I hope you’ll take a moment and enjoy. Simply click on one photo and it will enlarge and you can thumb through as you please. Maybe it will help you reflect on things that bring you comfort and joy!
Maybe you’ll want to make one of your own. Never too late.
During this time, wishing you great Comfort and Joy whether it’s December or February!
Warmest regards,

Cindy deRosier
What a treasure! It’s awesome now, but I can only imagine how great it will be after decades have passed.
You’re always so sweet. I hope you’re well dear one.