403 Forbidden

The Real You – In Art – Cheryl Waters Designs
Art Journaling,  Faith,  Life,  Mixed Media,  Sketching,  Uncategorized

The Real You – In Art

While I’ve been healing, I’ve been going through Melody Ross’ course called The Walk. It has been amazing to help walk through some things that might get us stuck in life or to creatively put truth down on paper so that you can be reminded of what to listen to . . . the Truth. We all need that reminder sometimes. I’ve spent some time drawing, sketching, etc. while also pondering.

One of the exercises is to journal what we know about ourselves. See images below of my page which folds out of a book that Melody encourages us to create. There are maps which help us walk through things in life and assist us in leaving the baggage behind and climbing the beautiful mountain of freedom and joy. If you’d like to join in the class . . . more information HERE.

I hope you take this course as it truly is a life changing one, but today, I did want to encourage you to truly be you! You were created uniquely and beautifully. There is no one like you in the world. Whether creating art, sharing your gifts with another, working, or whatever it is that you might be doing, BE YOURSELF WITH FREEDOM! The world needs you!

Daughter, Wife, Mother, Friend, artist, vintage loving, law enforcement officer, Southern Californian, God and country loving girl who loves to meet like minded creative people, share life with new and old friends. Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better. ~André Gide