Beauty, Fashion, Cosmetics,  My Breast Cancer Journey,  Thoughts

Pink – A Month of Awareness and also Celebration

As most know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I was diagnosed ten years ago this coming November 3. Whether you’re a woman or a man, it’s important to be diligent in self-checks or diagnostic screening as necessary. Please know that you are precious. Take care of you!

I thought I’d share with you a post I shared on the day I was diagnosed. Sometimes you have to dig deep in life’s challenges, pull up those boot straps and go to it. I hope this is an encouragement to you, or to another that might be battling that you w ant to share with. You can find it HERE. I did not fight alone, and I’m so grateful for your love, concern, prayers and support. Thank you!!

This past week, I’m was excited to qualify for a trial study to detect early cancers that are often diagnosed in later stages. Some of these include pancreatic and ovarian cancer. It will be a three-year study, and will help future generations. All this by a simple blood draw. I currently have two dear friends who are battling ovarian and pancreatic cancer. Anything to help detect this awful disease early.

Lastly, I wanted to share with you some beautiful Limited Edition Mark Kay product being released this week in many shades of pink. Mary Kay is celebrating 60 years of offering women and others an amazing business opportunity and product. So much fun. Want to know more about the product? Feel free to send me an email at [email protected].

Wishing all a great week!

Warmest creative wishes,

Daughter, Wife, Mother, Friend, artist, vintage loving, law enforcement officer, Southern Californian, God and country loving girl who loves to meet like minded creative people, share life with new and old friends. Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better. ~André Gide


  • Tanya Napier

    10 years! It seems like yesterday and several decades ago. I’m so grateful for your health- we’ve made so many memories in those 10 years! I’m so proud of you for being a part of the trial. What a gift to others in the future! Love you, friend!

    • artsychick

      Sweet Tanya. You have been such a sweet support and love! I’m so grateful for you. Yes, we have had so many amazing memories. I know cancer touches you very deeply with the loss of Shannon. Know that I so appreciate your encouragement and love! xoxo. Love you so much.