The Walk – A Special Journey and Course
On The Walk of life it really does make a difference what paths we choose, what we take with us, what we leave behind, who we take with us, what we tell ourselves as we travel and more.
I’ve been off for about three weeks with some foot surgery and my time is wrapping up before I head back to work. I haven’t fully recuperated but enough to go back to work. After healing for a couple weeks, I chose to go through Melody Ross’ course, ‘The Walk.’ I had gone through the videos before which are awesome but didn’t take the time to do the course work. It’s one of my favorite courses that Melody teaches and has touched my life. While I was flat on my back recovering, my artistic efforts were limited but I’ve gotten a good start.
This restoration course is what you make it but involves journaling and collage. Melody provides lots of amazing and awesome collage images but also encourages us to make it our own so I did some sketching and painting. It’s a course where maps are created to show us where we have been and help us plan where we are intended to go. It’s a course that helps us map out our purpose, make some decisions, leave some unnecessary weight behind, set boundaries and speak truth into our lives.
In Melody’s words about this course, “We will talk about The Carnival, which represents the times and places in our lives where we were derailed or fooled by the illusion of perfection and competition….where we came face to face with tricksters of every kind and even where we may have sold out soul to win at carnival games that left us feeling empty.
We will explore The Campfire, which represents truth, love, family, beauty and individual purpose. We will each decide what the campfire is for us…and how to get there, create a campfire and how to remember to stay there.
We will explore The Climb, which represents each leg of our life journey. We will talk about what we need to pack for our journeys, how we need to prepare, and how we can ask others around us to share their maps with us. We will also talk extensively about sharing out maps with others to help them through parts of life that we have already been through.”
This course is as detailed or simple as you want to make it. Watching the videos will encourage you or doing the course work; creating a book of maps and lessons learned of your Walk is something you will cherish and share with loved ones. Below are a few images from my Campfire and Carnival maps. Melody’s clever and the maps fold out from tucked away areas and on top of each map is an area about what you learned from taking that trip. I need to embellish my maps thus far a little and I’ll be sharing more as I continue through the course.
This course is such a rich investment in helping anyone move forward with goals and purpose! It helps us record lessons we’ve learned and launching us forward with truth and confidence. This is just one of many amazing courses I’m gleaning from at Brave Girl University, soon to Brave Living University.
To find out more you can check out things HERE. Feel free to share this with a friend or family member. You don’t have to be artistic, just willing to evaluate where you’ve been and where you’d like to go on ‘The Walk.‘
What lessons are you learning right now? I’d love to know.