Thanksgiving Every Day
Well, November has taken me by some surprise with the busyness especially at work. But nonetheless, the holidays are upon us. Yesterday was Thanksgiving and while I shared a few thanksgiving messages elsewhere, I didn’t do so here. But every day should be celebrated with Thanksgiving shouldn’t it? I hope yours was beautiful and meaningful. Know I’m so grateful for each of you; your love, support, your blessing!
Did you break tradition this year or keep it? Our tradition was a family dinner on the day however as families moved to other parts of the states and families within our family grew . . . we started our own tradition. For the last I believe 7 years Knott’s Berry Farm offers a wonderful treat to law enforcement and military (past and present). So we’ve eaten at Mrs. Knott’s for dinner and enjoyed the park. I grew up across the street from Knott’s and remember Mr. and Mrs. Knott (Walter and Cordelia). I went to Walter Knott and have some great memories there. Today (Friday) we celebrate with as much family as we can and have dinner.
No matter what . . . enjoying family, special foods and friends is the best. I hope each of you had a beautiful day! Tradition or not.
Below, Thanksgiving Circa 1973 – not everyone included but fun I ran across it today nonetheless.