• Art Journaling,  Mixed Media,  Uncategorized

    Art Journaling – Video Gallery and List of Techniques

    Oh how I love to art journal.  I hope one day my daughter and her kids and my great grand kids might enjoy my art journals.  I love to create in them and get my thoughts on paper in an artful way.  I have so many different journals and over the years I’ve recorded my thoughts using numerous techniques.  This video is around 15 minutes but goes quickly.  But I might encourage you to pull up a cup of coffee or cool lemonade, kick your feet up and rest.  I thought I’d share with you a video gallery of my journals as well as a list of just some of…

  • Life,  Uncategorized

    A Coastal Trip and College Visits – Part 2

    While we are experiencing Yellowstone National Park, I wanted to share for those of you who op asked. What an amazing trip along the California.  You can find the first part of our adventure here.  At any time in any of the photo areas, click on a photo and it will enlarge and allow you to scroll through the photos. Continuing on our trip up and down the California Coast . . . Next we headed back down the coast we made a stop at another college Abby was excited about; Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.  We did the self-guided tour for this campus.  Since Abby wants to major in Veterinarian Medicine,…

  • Life,  Uncategorized

    A Coastal Trip and College Visits – Part 1

    We are currently traveling Yellowstone National Park, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and other states.  But while we are I wanted to share with you about our most recent trip last weekend. The first verse of the official California State song reads . . . I love you California, you’re the greatest state of all I love you in the winter, summer, spring and fall.   I love your fertile valleys; your dear mountains I adore. I love your grand old ocean, and I love her rugged shore. Yes and yes!  We do love the beauty of our state!  It is amazingly beautiful from the Sequoias to the oceans, the mountains, forests, and…

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    Planner Goodies and More

    Working in my planner a bit before heading out to the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Park. I’ll be sharing our California Coastal trip as well especially for those that had some questions about our itinerary and also college visits.  What a great trip. Regarding planning, I recently won a fun planner prize package and received a beautiful dark pink planner with some goodies.  As well, I got a super duper deal on these Heidi Swapp new planner stickers (puffy and lovely gilded).  So cute!  I was gifted with a little gift certificate on Etsy and chose these incredible planner stickers by Pretty Pleasing Papers.  Oh how I love the typewriter clip…

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    Traveling the California Coast but . . .

    Hello all, We are out traveling the California Coast for a few days so things will be quiet on the blog front.  We are headed to to Santa Barbara, Santa Ynez, Monterey, Big Sur and Solvang.  We will visit some colleges, see wildlife (sea otters), Monterey Aquarium, experience the Danish town of Solvang, mini Shetland ponies, ostriches and more.   I have fond memories as a young’in vacationing in these areas so it will be fun to take our daughter.  Unfortunately, I’m sure we will see some of the devastation from the wildfires.  I’ll be sharing about our trip on Instagram and Facebook  so if you’re interested feel free to join me.  As well, I’ll…

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    You are a Masterpiece

    I just wanted you to know that you are; You are a masterpiece so precious and rare! One of a kind – no one else like you in this entire world! You are beautifully created! There is a purpose specifically defined for you! You sing a special song the world needs to hear! Your experience can encourage and change another! You are loved! Is there someone that needs to hear this?  Please feel free to share it. That’s it.  Just wanted you to know.

  • Life,  Mixed Media,  Uncategorized

    Planner Clip Virtual Make and Take

    Since I can’t be with you in person, I’d like.to do a.little virtual make and take (or tutorial) to make your own planner.embellishment. Enjoy. I’m using my friend Donna Salazar’s awesome and sweet products. You might be saying, what if I don’t have those particular supplies?  They are awesome I tell you but if you don’t here are some other options I found.  Download, size accordingly and print off a face such as this one from the Graphics Fairy which is seen here.  Then print off a crown here or here.  Cut out, color, embellish, glue to a clip and enjoy in your planner.                

  • Life,  Uncategorized

    My Planner, My Friend Part 2

    Hello friends. Well, we’ve been talking a little about creative planners. If you haven’t checked out Part 1 with some great resources on ideas, supplies and community, you can do so here. What is a planner dashboard? Well, it’s one of your first pages in your planner. Often these pages are put at the front of each section and are pleasing to the eye. They can be favorite quotes, art, pretty paper with a favorite photo or more. I enjoy drawing and painting in my planner. So don’t forget to use your own designs.  All the artwork you see here is mine however I think I may enjoy starting to…

  • Creative Planners,  Uncategorized

    My Planner, My Friend Part 1

    Creative planners have been all the rage these last couple years.  In many ways I’ve kept a creative planner for many years.  I have tried putting appointments on my phone, tried electronic planners but they’ve never worked for me.  I like seeing what needs to be done.  I like to have it right in front of me. For years I’ve been doodling in my planner so it was natural when this became a craze . . . I embraced it.  I thought I’d give you a peek into my creative planner.  It keeps me on track, keeps me sane and I feel is like a faithful friend.   I thought I’d…

  • Art Journaling,  Life,  My Breast Cancer Journey,  Sketching,  Thoughts,  Uncategorized

    The Strength in Scars

    Scars . . . we all have them.  Some are visible, some not.  Some are emotional, burned onto our soul while others are there for the world to see.  Some are scars we just see.  Some we hide, some we can’t.  No matter, scars are reminders of where we have been, what we’ve endured and how we’ve made it out with the choice to tell our story. It’s been not quite 3 1/2 years since I had a double mastectomy due to a breast cancer diagnosis.  About a year after this major surgery and several surgeries after that, I endured some very deep emotional scars due to a tragedy that took place in our…