
Thoughts on Life, Faith, Everyday Moments, and More.

  • Art Journaling,  Life,  Mixed Media

    Right Now Mondays

    Hello all, I hope this Monday finds you well.  Monday . . . a fresh start, an opportunity to be an epic week, and so much more. I wanted to share something fun with you and it’s a slight read. I was thinking the other day when I was art journaling about the phrase ‘Right Now‘.  Then I was thinking about you. So I’d love to make Mondays . . . ‘Right Now Mondays‘. I’ve been doing a lot of journaling recently . . . some just putting down the written word and other times art journaling.  It’s been a good practice for healing and recording life moments for the…

  • Thoughts

    On the Road Again & A New Look for the AF Blog

    Greetings all. First off I want to say thank you for being here.  These past three years or so have been the most challenging of my life.  Not necessarily the cancer fight (although it wasn’t a cake walk and I’m not considered ‘cancer free’ for another four years) but we’ve had some other trials that have been incredibly tough.  But nonetheless, I am grateful that I know hope and  have truth and promises to stand firmly on. About a month ago, my blog went blank.  Come to find out our hosting company changed their format to WordPress which I was happy about however my subscriber list and all my former…

  • Art Journaling,  Life,  Mixed Media,  Uncategorized

    A Part of the Equation; A Call To Action

    We have the choice and opportunity to make a difference in another’s life.  Right now, there is a lot of need in our community, towns, nation and across the world.  Having served and lived in third world countries for six years, I have certainly seen poverty.  My question to you is what steps are you going to take this week to make a difference.  First step is to name it and you may want to record this in your art journal or just write it down.  Make a plan to accomplish it. Could be big or small.  Here are a few ideas that come to mind.  This week I’m going to…