Life,  Nature,  Thoughts

Keep It Positive – Do You Know Downscrolling?

Recently I learned a new word ~ Downscrolling. It was used as a reference to negative or triggering content on line and on social media platforms. I loved the tips that this article gave, and thought I’d paraphrase a few for you and hope to give your day an upward swing. Staying positive is so needed in this unpredictable world. It’s so important because being in a negative place (including online and in your mind) can cause anxiety, numbness, stress, health issues and more.

  • Follow feel-good content – fill your on-line content with light-hearted material including funny videos, nature photos, inspiration for and healthy living. Follow influencer’s that are in line with a positive vibe and encourage an enjoyable life by posting things like positive mental health tips, gardening, art, or other things you’re like-minded about.
  • Unplug – Turn off notifications and take a break especially in the evening. It gives your nervous system a chance to relax.
  • Practice self-care.
  • Set boundaries with on-line and media content.
  • Get outside and enjoy nature. Have your device for emergencies, but unplug for nature.
  • Spend time and be present with family and friends.

So important. I’m wishing all a beautiful week. I hope you have an opportunity to do at least one, if not all of the things listed above.

Warmest wishes,

Daughter, Wife, Mother, Friend, artist, vintage loving, law enforcement officer, Southern Californian, God and country loving girl who loves to meet like minded creative people, share life with new and old friends. Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better. ~André Gide