Artists that Inspire
I know when I’m with creative like minded friends and people, it’s like these little sparks go off and ignite a great creative fire. There is so much inspiration in this world and so many different kinds of art. I am inspired by a variety of different artists that use different mediums. These are a few.
Eda Kaban is a favorite with her whimsical fun characters and scenes from life. You can find some of her work HERE.

Eda Kaban
Dennis Wunsch is a personal and dear friend and former next door neighbor. Dennis is an award winning illustrator who has been featured in articles, magazines, books and advertising. His work is imaginative, unique and in a special amazing class of it’s own. He started his art career drawing Scooby Doo and other characters for Hanna-Barbera Cartoons. He has gifted my daughter and I some of his work and we cherish it! Find out more about Dennis HERE.

Dennis Wunsch

You may have seen Anna Bond’s artwork and not even realized it. Anna Bond is the Creative Director, head designer and co-owner of the Rifle Paper Company. Many of Rifle’s stationary, calendar, and party goods are sold at stores like Paper Source, Anthropologie and other fine stationary stores. Her signature artwork is fresh, bright and striking. Check out more of her work and life HERE.

Anna Bond
A friend gifted me with a precious book titled “Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing.” This book is a beautiful and innovative collection of thoughts and illustrations surrounding faith. It is written by Sally Lloyd-Jones and illustrated by Jago Silver. The combination of the two, author and illustrator, just evokes warmth. Sally has written many award-winning inspirational children’s books and Bibles that convey biblical truth and beauty. Jago is an accomplished artist who is also award-winning and use of color is imaginative and exceptional. The two together spark the heart. Find Sally’s website HERE and more of JAGO’s work HERE.

Jago Silver
I find Jennifer L. Meyer’s illustrations endearing and numinous. She’s an accomplished artist who has had artwork featured on chapter books, comics, novels, children’s books and even a short movie. More HERE.

Jennifer L. Meyer
Living in Southern California but originally from South Africa, Carla Bosch is a favorite local artist. She is a renowned international artist residing locally near Laguna Beach, California. She is an acclaimed acrylic artist who is featured regular at Pageant of the Masters in Laguna Beach, California. I love her use of color and composition. She paints many local scenes I easily recognize as well as many natural landscapes. Find out more about Carla HERE.

Carla Bosch
I could go on and on as this is a short list of favorites but I do want to mention one additional artist that I admire and love. A sweet friend of mine, Jamie Dougherty is an illustrator, mixed media artist, designer (mixed media products), teacher, painter and sculptor who resides not too far from me. I’ve had the blessing of collaborating on an on-line faith based course that Jamie headed up. She has a sweet, fun, enthusiastic and beautiful personality and her whimsical artwork portrays the same.

Jamie Dougherty

I hope you enjoyed this little tour off some favorite artists and illustrators. I’d love for you to share some artists that you admire or that inspire you. I’m all ears.
Warmest creative wishes,

Cheryl, these are incredible artists. From mermaid mice to beautiful street scenes to bears and whales and so much more…these were a delight to visit. How blessed you are to know some of these artists. How inspired I am to look outside the box. I hope you will share more of these type of artists. Thank you, Cheryl.
Thanks for your sweet comment. It’s fun to share with one another and broaden our corners of perception, isn’t it? Happy New Year and I’d be happy to share more. Sending warmest regards!