Amazing Brave Girl Soul Restoration Course Coming Your Way
Hello dear ones,
On this Labor Day, I’d like to share something near to my heart. Speaking of labor, life can be hard at times. It can be painful (a different kind of labor) but it can also be victorious.
Some of you know about Brave Girl Soul Restoration and some of you don’t. I wanted to take a minute to share as this week the revised Soul Restoration course will be released on-line at Brave Girl University. I had the blessing many years ago to be a part of a beginning of the Brave Girl movement. I went to the second camp and there Melody shared with us about our ‘soul house’ . . . how life brings it’s challenges and hurts and how we can allow it to damage our soul. This is an incredible message about life’s hurts, healing and boundaries. Whether you’re arty or not . . . doesn’t matter . . . you can art journal your way through this course or simply a pen and paper is fine. There are beautiful workbooks for purchase to go along with this incredible course if that’s your preference. Melody continues to refine and learn more throughout the years so while this course is a revision, there’s a lot of new content and something so beneficial at any chapter in life. Soul Restoration has reached across the world to men, teens, and women of all ages. HERE is the link to this amazing course which starts on Wednesday, September 7th. Feel free to use this link to get your front row seat early. If you check it out, I’d so appreciate it if you’d come back and use this link to sign up. It says, Cheryl shared this wonderful news with me.
The incredible thing is you access Melody’s amazing on-line course with the $24.95 monthly subscription but you also get in upwards of 80+ other art and life courses by Brave Girl University teachers. One of my courses is titled “Embrace Yourself” which teaches about embracing our gifts, our experience, the peaks and the valleys . . . molding us into who we are so that we can help others heal. I am working on an upcoming course as well and hoping to finish it soon sharing about Joy (even in the tough times). There are course subjects of all kinds from amazing teachers on art, jewelry, sewing, gardening, and more.
So will you be closing for Soul Restoration? Will you be joining in on this journey? This will be a wonderful investment of time and resources you can make for you and for those around you. Have any questions? Wishing all an amazing journey! More HERE.
Warmest creative wishes,

Beth Williams
I so need to do this.
It is amazing! You will so enjoy! It will so touch you Beth!