Art,  Artsy Adventures (Outings, Flea Marketing and More),  Life

Inspiration IKEA

Well, I’ve been down with pneumonia for a little over a week.  Today was the first day I did normal things and felt like an actual living person.  Anyhow, we headed to IKEA  . . . cinnamon roll and coffee x3 for about $5.  Then we walked the floor.  While some of the things I may not put in my home . . . I may put something similar in my art journal.  Other things, I would certainly put in my home.  Love the lace curtains, shabby lamps and more.  Sweet A sure enjoyed the inspiration as well.  Can you tell I was happy to be among the living?

I just thought I’d share some of the fun sights.

If you click on one of the photos you can then click through to the end (so you see a larger version).  Enjoy.  Do you have an IKEA near you?  We’ve had one for years and years but I’m noticing more opening up.

Warmest creative wishes,

Daughter, Wife, Mother, Friend, artist, vintage loving, law enforcement officer, Southern Californian, God and country loving girl who loves to meet like minded creative people, share life with new and old friends. Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better. ~André Gide