Right Here, Right Now Monday – Making a Choice Before the Storm
I found this in my drafts and thought it so appropriate as the East Coast of the U.S. is preparing for a historic snow storm. Thinking of all who will be affected. If you fancy, grab a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy the read. I hope what was on my heart encourages you today . . . or another day when the storm comes for you. It will come.
I have always been impressed with people that prepare. We live in a world where quite often we live for today and don’t plan for tomorrow. Some people are good at financial planning, others not so much. Some are good at earthquake preparedness and have their garage ready for the “Big One”.
But what about preparing for the storms of life? Do we prepare for those. You know, those trials and difficulties that are so deeply charted with pain and sorrow. Those life changing events that hit you from behind or knock you to your feet. There are times that this life just brings you to your knees.
Well, I have had several of those life changing, earth shattering trails come my way the last couple years. While the cancer journey (still not complete) wasn’t a cake walk, I was encouraged through it by the support of loved ones and family. But there are other storms that have hit . . . gale force winds that are stinging and difficult to breathe in. There are times the noise is so loud and it sounds like your boat is going to pull apart. There are times you are drenched, worn and cold from the winds and the rain. Oh yes, there will be times we are tempted to abandon ship however, we have the ability to make a choice before the storm.
That choice which I made before the storm (of life) is that that no matter what, I won’t give up and I will hold tightly to my faith knowing there’s a bigger picture than just what I can see. It’s the choice to put one foot in front of the other although you feel so beat down you can barely move. But there is hope and there is a place we can find rest and shelter.
and after you’ve chosen the journey to prepare, after the storm we will witness the beautiful sunrise. It will bring skies of purpose, strength and even joy (where we never thought possible).
I’ve found that before the storms come . . . before they roll in . . . you have to make that conscious choice to prepare and stand firm. If you wait until the storms are arriving and you don’t have a plan or a mission statement you will flounder. For me, before going into these most recent storms, I made myself and God a promise that I would choose hope and faith. It has been hard, the valley is deep and dark at times, but He is the lamp to my feet. There have been times I’ve been tempted to lose that hope; tempted to throw in the towel. But I made a choice . . . one of faith and life, of hope and safety. I know the One who calms the storms and gives us the peace that passes all understanding. He is the one who provides the life preservers in the storm; friends. He gifts us with His word that that reassures us with certainty that His promises bring life.
Through these deep storms . . . I am growing, learning and being refined. Quite often, pain is the great transformer.
I encourage you . . . have you prepared for the storm? Have you decided Who you will trust? Do you have your life preservers ready to go . . . faith? friends?
I’m thinking of you, especially if you’re going through a storm. Might I encourage you to batten down the hatches. Choose ahead of time to practice that faith and to praise Him even in the storm.

Tanya N.
Simply beautiful. I am learning (slowly) that I can’t weather storms alone. I always thought I could, but when they became too great, I couldn’t do it alone, without that preserver. I love you, friend!
Sweet Tanya, your response brought sweet tears to my eyes. You are one of those that help me weather lifes storms. I am so grateful to call you friend!!! Oh I am!!!